Thursday, December 12, 2013

Daddy Turns 31

This year, on September 22nd, Danny turned 31!  Birthdays change a bit as you get older and become a parent.  Honestly, there's usually not quite as much to look forward to.  But for Danny, he always looks forward to his birthday meal at Tucano's.  And this year was no different.  We decided to go a couple of days before Danny's birthday, and we decided to take the kids with us.  We went for lunch to avoid the crowds, and mostly because we realized we didn't have Danny's "Free Meal" card, so we were paying for the whole meal. :)  And as it would turn out, lunch is basically the same as dinner...but cheaper!

The kids loved the food!  Especially Claire...she's kind of a meat freak.  They were trying out baby back ribs, and Claire gave it two greasy thumbs up!  She gets it from her Mama... :)

The kids did pretty well at the restaurant.  As we were managing getting food and keeping the food on the table, we noticed an older gentlemen sitting near us.  He was obviously entertained by our children.  Towards the end of our meal, he had paid his check and started to leave his table.  But instead of leaving the restaurant, he stopped by our table.  He told us how much he enjoyed watching our family, and told Danny how impressed he was with him.  That he was a father as well, but didn't take the time to enjoy it when his kids were the ages of our children.  But he told Danny that it was obvious how much he enjoyed his children, and he commended us both on the job we were doing.  Then he told us that he had paid for our meal, and that he hoped Danny had a very happy birthday.  I seriously listened to all this with my mouth agape.  What a kind thing to do!  That wonderful man will never know what his kind deed did for me.  I had been struggling feeling like we were still being decent parents.  With so much of our attention on Luke, I had been feeling like the older three had been thrown to the wolves.  I know Danny and I needed a reminder that we're doing the world's most difficult job, and that we're succeeding at some level.  A thousand blessings on that dear man's house!

Danny's actual birthday was on Sunday this year.  He got to sleep in, and he woke up to a yummy breakfast of eggs, ham, hash browns, and OJ.  His favorite!  My birthday boy deserves the best. :)  And for the record, I don't think he looks a day older than the ridiculously handsome 23 year old I first met...

After church, we had the family come over for cake and ice cream.  And presents, of course!  The kids picked out a really cool remote control helicopter, and they were so excited to give it to their Daddy.  And their Daddy was equally as excited to receive it!  It got about 2 days of use before Danny broke it. :(  But it was fun while it lasted!

Danny's gift from me was a very nice BYU zip-up hoodie, to add to Danny's growing collection of BYU apparel.  

And it looked very nice with the BYU tie that my Mom bought him! :)

Danny requested a Texas Sheet Cake for his birthday cake, and Claire drew up a design.  We think it turned out pretty cool!  Danny made his wish, blew out the candles, and officially ushered in a year of being 31.

We love you so much, Danny!  You're the greatest husband and father there ever was!  Happy Birthday!!

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