Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 23

I know.  I know.  It's been two weeks since I said I was going to get started on my weekly posts.  I'm telling you, I tried!  It's going to be one of those pregnancies...

Let's see.  Week 23.  I'm feeling pretty good, I suppose.  I try to watch what I eat, and mostly fail miserably.  I try to get on the treadmill for at least 1.5 miles a day, and I'm doing okay at that.  So, it's not just blogging that I'm struggling to keep up on! :)

This pregnancy has been difficult, in a lot of ways.  I seem to be gaining weight at a freight train pace.  I'm so tired so much of the time, though I have felt a difference since starting the thyroid medication.  I'm terribly moody, and the mood swings are more extreme than they've ever been before.  Don't even get me started on the terribly vivid nightmares.  And, let's be honest.  I feel like I've been pregnant for 5 years!  I do believe it's taking a toll.  But I said that with Johnny...and here I am again. :)

There is something else that has just nagged me as long as I've been pregnant.  I'm having a very difficult time connecting with this pregnancy.  I'm having a hard time imagining my son, bonding with him, and feeling like he's destined to be mine.  It might be because we've struggled so much to come up with a name.  With Claire and Sophie, we knew before we were even pregnant what their names would be.  With Johnny, we decided about a week before the ultrasound that told us he was a boy, and we loved the name as soon as we put it together.  But since then, we've drawn a blank on boy names.  A serious blank.  Since finding out that we're having another son, I've been on the hunt for a name with some determination.  And the name we've decided we want for this little boy is Luke.  Luke Daniel Call.  But because I'm having a hard time bonding with this baby, I have a hard time imagining that being the name of my next child.  But I'm having a hard time bonding because I don't have a name!  It's a vicious cycle.  However, the girls absolutely love the name, and talk to Baby Luke every day.  So I'm pretty sure it's going to stick.

That being said, Luke is getting bigger!  He should be more than 11 inches long now, and just over a pound.  About the size of a large mango.  I'll be going in next week for my next appointment, and will be getting my target ultrasound.  I'm sure we'll see just how big he actually is at that point.  Since we all know my kids are well above average!  Luke is such an active little guy.  He seems to wake up every night at about 9:30, and practices his ninja moves until I fall asleep.  I can tell already that he's strong, and doesn't like anything to intrude in his space.  If my belly is against the counter, or another child tries to sit on my lap, he lets me know just whose space it is! feels good to finally get a post in!  But I'm going to be smarter than to state that I'll be back to post for Week 24, because we all know that it's a toss up.  But I can promise this.  I'll certainly try... :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Here We Go Again!

Life has been so crazy and hectic with the move and the holidays that I'm only now getting around to blogging about this pregnancy, and I'm more than halfway through!  Better late than never, right? :)

This picture was taken at 20 weeks, and as of this morning I am about 21 weeks and 5 days.  A lot has happened so far, obviously, so I'll briefly recap the highlights and start with the weekly posts in a couple of days.

I'll start at the very beginning, because according to some song, it's a "very good place to start". :)  I took this fateful pregnancy test on September 28th.  Danny and I had decided that we'd be open to having another baby when Johnny turned one, which was almost exactly one month previous to my positive pregnancy test.  That's right, folks!  I got pregnant about a week after we decided to let nature take it's course.  For a few weeks prior to taking the test, I hadn't been feeling like myself.  But I figured it was just hormones ramping up for another lovely monthly cycle.  Even when I was 4 days late, I didn't think I was pregnant.  I had been keeping very good track of things, and I was positive that nothing that brings babies had happened anywhere close to the time when I would be capable of making a baby!  But Danny knew better, and convinced me to just take a test.  I woke up that Wednesday morning not feeling so well, took the test, and walked into the kitchen to tell Danny to come look at the stupid thing so I could go back to bed.  I let him look first, because I was positive I wasn't pregnant.  Danny took a look and said, "Well, it's what we wanted!".  I realized in that instant I wasn't exactly sure what we wanted!  I took a look, saw that it was positive, and knew exactly what I wanted.  And it wasn't those two little pink lines!

Now, to be fair, it wasn't that I didn't want this baby.  I love my babies, and I had actually been feeling pretty anxious to get the next one here.  All the way up to when I was committed.  Committed to the nausea, vomiting, ridiculous weight gain, know.  If I could just have a baby without the pregnancy, I'd be on board every time!  I just realized I wasn't ready to be pregnant again.  I spent the hour after Danny left for work having a panic attack until I called my sister Jami and talked to her for a bit.  That helped...but only a little.

We waited a few days to tell our parents, and then told the kids after Sophie was done opening her birthday presents on the 30th.  When we told the girls, they were so excited!  Claire said that the best present of all was the new baby in Mommy's tummy. :)  I started feeling pretty sick around Week 6, which is par for the course for me.  Only this time, I didn't have nearly as much vomiting.  Thank heavens!

As time went on, Danny and I realized that we really couldn't postpone finding a doctor for much longer.  After our horrible experience with OBs in Lancaster when I was pregnant with Johnny, we weren't very optimistic.  We finally saw a doctor when I was just past my 9th week.  It was a discouraging visit.  The doctor really pushed me to consider either tying my tubes...or Danny's...after we delivered this baby, and made a big point of the danger the baby and I were in after 3 previous sections.  He didn't do any exams, and didn't even check for a heartbeat.  I cried the whole way home. I just wished, and started praying rather fervently, that we could just find a job in Utah and go back to where I could find some decent medical care for our family.

Well, the Lord is merciful and loves his daughters!  Just a couple of weeks later, Danny was offered a job here in Utah and exactly three weeks after that I found myself nauseatingly making the 12 hour drive home to Grandma and Papa's house.  We waited to make an appointment here until we arrived home from our Thanksgiving trip to Denver.  I was stoked to find out that the Circle of Life Women's Clinic was a preferred provider with our new insurance.  I had researched them quite a bit when I was considering coming to Utah to do a VBAC with Johnny, and was very impressed with their culture and philosophy.  And they didn't disappoint.

Danny and I met with Dr. Wes Davis on December 14th, just shy of 17 weeks.  We were blown away by how awesome the facility and nurses were, and we were beyond impressed with Dr. Davis.  He was totally supportive of my desire to wait on the planned c-section until I went into labor on my own.  His only stipulations were that things look good up to that point, and that I promised to go to the hospital with the first contraction.  I could live with that!  He spent quite a bit of time with us, and talked over all my concerns.  Then, we had an ultrasound, which I'll be lucky to get with every visit.  I love seeing my babies!  We learned that we only had one baby growing in there, and that we we could expect another amazing baby boy!  He put my due date at May 24th.  Which means that we'll be meeting this little guy right around, if not on, Claire's 5th birthday.  That's 4 babies in 5 years, from birth to birth.  We're nuts.

With that, we find ourselves on the cusp of Week 22!  As you can see from the picture, I look much the same as I did with Johnny...7 months pregnant when I'm not quite 5 months!  Even though I haven't had near the vomiting this time around, and am about completely past the nausea at this point, this pregnancy has been more difficult for me than the last was.  I've gained about three times more weight than I did with Johnny at this point, and I've been so incredibly exhausted all the time.  That may have something to do with our crazy life, and I'm sure some has to do with a low-functioning thyroid.  I've been on a prescription for the hypothyroidism for about a month, and I've seen a definite difference in my energy level.  Which is nice.  There's not much I can do about the weight already gained, but I'm working to slow the pace down quite a bit.  We'll see how things look at my next appointment.

In the last week or so, I've felt my son kick and swim almost constantly.  I've found myself day dreaming about what he'll look like when I first see him, and how much I love my newborn babes.  And even with all the angst I felt with that positive pregnancy test, and how much more difficult our life has been the last few months because I've been pregnant while every other aspect of our life has been changing, I know I wouldn't change it for the world.  I love this little boy already, and can't wait to meet him!

Snow Day...Finally!

Spending the two previous winters in the desert of Southern California meant that my kids always associated snow with Christmas in Utah.  They were so excited to move here in the winter and play in the snow!  Go figure, we go with absolutely NO snow all Christmas season!  So, when my girls woke up last Saturday, the 7th, and saw four inches of the fresh white snow on the ground, they were so excited!  They ran into our room and woke Danny and me up by yelling, "It snowed!  Santa's coming tonight!" :)

Once I explained that it was going to (hopefully) snow quite a few more times this winter, and that Christmas was over, they were ready to go out a build a snowman.  But we were totally unprepared for snow play!  A morning of shopping and $80 later, the three kids were outfitted for the winter.  Danny took the kids out to play in the snow, and they had the time of their lives!  And they made the three cutest snow bunnies ever...

This was Jack's first experience with snow as well, and he was having a ball!  I have to say, he looked rather handsome next to that pure white snow...

It took about a half hour until the kids figured out how fun it was to eat the snow.  I was surprised it took that long!  After I snapped these cute pics, we had a little discussion about what snow you could eat, and the yellow stuff you stay away from. :)

Remember when I said the kids were excited to build a snowman?  Well, because I had to go get all their clothes, they didn't get to get out in the snow until after lunch.  By that time, it had warmed up and the snow was too wet to make a decent snowman.  So instead, Danny helped them build a big mountain of snow.  Then it was only logical to make a tunnel!  

The kids had so much fun, and I think Danny quite enjoyed himself too!  Spending an hour and a half in the cold snow and fresh air was good for them all.  Everyone slept like babies that night...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Old Friends and New Faces

One of the benefits of being back in Utah is that it seems to be a gathering place.  Most of our friends from college and our earlier married days have family here along the Wasatch Front.  So, between the holidays and summer vacations, we all end up back here at one time or another.  Now that we're here to stay, we can see these awesome people when they come to visit!

Sharon was my best friend in college, and I haven't seen her since her new husband whisked her away to Texas right after they got married!  It's been over 2 years, and I've had a baby since then and so has she.  I was so excited to learn that they were in town to see Andrew's family this Christmas, and we made sure to meet up.  The destination?  California Pizza Kitchen, of course!  It was mine and Sharon's place, next to Wendy's at 10:00 at night. ;)  Oh, the wonderful culinary experiences of college.

Sharon's daughter, Eve, just turned one, and she's as cute as can be!  It's so fun to see Sharon as a Mom.  When did we all grow up?  Here are all our kids together.  As you can tell, it was after lunch and just about everyone was ready to go home!

Friends are definitely a way that the Lord blesses your life, and Sharon was just that kind of blessing in mine.  We had some good times, and made some hilarious memories!  It's really fun that we'll get to see each other and stay in touch as our lives move forward.

The Newest Sunbeam

The new year dawned a little brighter this year.  New Year's Day was also Sunday, and it was Sophie's first day as a Sunbeam!  I have to admit, it was a little bittersweet for me.  Last year, when it was Claire's first day in Primary, I was serving in the Primary Presidency, and got to go with Claire and experience that first day with her.  I didn't get to see Sophie's excitement, but I know she absolutely loved her day!  She loved singing time, and she especially loved her class time with Sister Fishburn.  There are only three Sunbeams right now, and Sophie is the only girl.  She gets plenty of attention all around. :)

A new year meant a new class for Claire as well.  True to herself, she's been waiting to be in the CTR 4 class for about six months.  That girls wants to grow up so bad!  Danny and I are making a very serious effort to slow her down.  But there's only so much we can do! :)  Claire LOVES her new class, and her new teacher.  It helps that she got some new jewelry on her very first day.  She wore her CTR ring every day for a quite a while, and it definitely helped her to choose the right.  

Danny and I feel so blessed to have the help of a wonderful Primary organization and wonderful teachers that help us to teach our children the ways of right and truth.  Now we're just babystepping until the end of February when Johnny can join the ranks of Nursery! :)


Every year ends with the traditional Call Family pictures in front of the Christmas Tree.  This year was no different.  And like last year, it seems like our picture is bigger!  In reality, we've only added Andi to the crew.  But all the kids are getting bigger, which I think adds to the full-feeling.  Here's the Call Clan in 2011:

The Grandkids

The Siblings

The Call Family-2011

The Cutest Kids on the Planet

This year has been quite a year for us.  In the last three months alone, we found out we're expecting our fourth child, moved back to Utah, and started a new career.  Our children are all older, and cuter, and more capable.  And yet some things stay the same, no matter the passage of time.  We love our Savior, and His beautiful gospel.  We love each other, and are grateful that we have the opportunity to spend eternity together.  We're grateful for all our blessings, and recognize how fortunate we are.  Danny and I are excited to see what the new year holds for our family, and look forward to all that will stay the same.


New Year's Eve

If you haven't noticed, by the time we got to New Year's Eve, we were about all partied out!  But we managed to put together one last smorgasbord of fatty (and in this case deep-fried) food, get the kids together, and make some memories. :)

Of course, Grandma helped the kids make their New Year's Eve crowns.  I do believe it will have to be a tradition now, as Claire reminded Grandma about 67 1/2 times to go to the school and get the special paper.  That girl has a mind and memory like a steel trap!  Everyone ate too much food, and then visited while the kids played.  At 7:00 pm, we decided to stage the big countdown for the kids...and some of the adults. ;)  Like I said, we were just about partied out.  At least I was!  Every year at the Call New Year's Eve party, at the countdown, there are poppers and noisemakers passed around for the big moment.  This year was no different.  The kids, old and young, had a blast!

After this, we put our kiddos to bed.  The plan at that point was to stay up and play games as adults.  I lasted until 9:00, when I fell asleep on Danny's shoulder as he played "Starcraft".  We were down in bed by 10:00.  Yup, we're that lame. :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kids Night Out

Since all the Call siblings were in town, Grandma and Papa generously offered to watch the grandkids for us so we could all go out as adults (or almost-adults, in Aunt Katie's case). :)

We decided on bowling, and we had a blast!  It was too bad that we got split into two different lanes, so we didn't all get to hang out like we liked.  But we cheered for each other, and poked fun as we went.  It was really nice to interact without keeping one (or two) eyes on the kiddos.  The brothers had a really great time hanging out and lovingly competing with each other.

And us girls found our own way to have fun!  No, Camillia's not pregnant.  It's just hilarious to compare size!  As I was bowling, I realized a 10 lb ball was too heavy for me.  It was half way through our first game before I realized that Johnny was a full pound heavier than that 10 lb ball!  It was crazy to think about.

Danny and I both bowled a decent game, considering we haven't been bowling in forever!  I was really proud of Danny that he didn't rub it in to anyone that he won...definitively.  Ah...he's growing up so fast!

Here's where it all started.  The original Call kids.

The boys get married, and this is what you get...

And we leave our precious children with Grandma and Papa, and this is what we get!

It's okay, Grandma and Papa had it all under control! :)  The kids had a blast together, Grandma and Papa were no worse for the wear, and we had so much fun being together as siblings.  We look forward to the next time we're all together again!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Temple Square

Since we were all the way in South Salt Lake to see Grandpa Richard and Grandma Ruth Ann, we figured it was the perfect time to see the lights at Temple Square.  The week before Christmas was just so cold, and the inversion was so awful, that we kept waiting to do it.  Sophie was anxious to see the Salt Lake Temple.  It's her favorite temple, and she's really been excited to go where Mommy and Daddy were married.  

We met up with Grandma and Papa, and Uncle Robbie, Kris, and Andi.  Though it was a bit chilly, it was a beautiful night to be at Temple Square!  The kids were completely enamored with the Temple.  And more so the Temple than the lights and decorations.  A little parent payday. :)

We tried our best to get a family shot, but to little avail.  This was the best we could manage with cold, tired kids.

I realized when I was getting the kids bundled up that they really didn't have cold/snow gear.  For instance, I didn't have any mittens for Johnny!  After a while, his poor little digits were red and freezing.  So being the self-sacrificing Mom I am, I let him wear mine.  He looked ridiculous!  But his hands were warm... :)

Claire wanted so badly to get inside the Temple.  We explained that she had to wait until she was 12 to go inside, and now she's counting the years until she's 12!

Sophie just loved being at Temple Square.  She wanted her picture taken at the temple, but got a little nervous when she was actually in the turret.  But trust me, she loved being there!

Grandma had the good idea to get a picture of Danny and me that is like our big wedding picture.  For being an amateur photographer with a point-and-shoot camera, I don't think it turned out half bad!  Boy, has a lot changed for Danny and I since we struck this pose as a bride and groom just a little over 5 short years ago!

Once we were all sufficiently freezing, we stopped in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building to warm up and check out the awesome Christmas Tree in the lobby.  Claire saw the statue of Joseph and knew immediately who it was.  Our girls love Joseph Smith.  I guess we're doing something right as we stumble through this parenthood thing!  Another little parent payday. :)

Once we were finished with Temple Square, we just had to stop at Crown Burger for a late dinner.  Which was fine by the girls, since there was obviously princess food in there! :)  We enjoyed some deliciously fatty burgers and fries before taking our exhausted kids home.

I promise, Grandma and Papa totally volunteered to man the kid table!  Danny and I really did enjoy being able to eat without a kid making a mess all over us.  I think Robbie and Kris would have enjoyed that, too! :)

Christmas with Grandpa Richard

I guess you could say our kids are lucky.  They get at least three installments of Christmas!  After Christmas morning, and Christmas at Grandma Candy's, there's Christmas at Grandpa Richard's and Grandma Ruth Ann's!  We headed to their home on Monday, the 26th, in the late afternoon.  They had a kitchen full of yummy things to eat, and everyone was excited to see each other again and visit for a bit.  It took the kids a little time to warm up to their surroundings.  They don't get to see Grandpa Richard very often, but it didn't take long for them to start running around and getting into things. ;)

Of course, we eventually got around to gifts.  The kids were elated to see huge gift bags with their names on them, full of gifts.  They dug in right away!

The kids loved their gifts!  They each got a set of pajamas, slippers/socks, a new blanket, a new stuffed friend, candy, and a book.  Wow!  Thanks, Grandpa Richard and Grandma Ruth Ann!  Danny and I received a gift bag as well, with a book for me, fudge for Danny, and some cash for us to share.  We were all very grateful!  Since opening his gift, Johnny is completely attached to his stuffed friend, who we appropriately named "Teddy".  He sleeps with him every night. :)

As excited as we all were to receive these awesome gifts, we were more excited to have Grandpa and Grandma open their gift from us!  And they loved it!

We visited for a bit longer before it was time to clean up and get the kids on the road.  We are excited to live closer to my Dad now, so hopefully it won't be so long between visits.  This was our last stop for Christmas, and with it ended a holiday full of family, presents, and fun.