Thursday, December 1, 2016

Claire's Christmas Recital

Claire started taking piano in the early fall, and she has loved it! I feel like she has done very well and has taken to it quite naturally. So we were all so excited for her first recital! Claire's song was "Let It Snow", and she practiced and practiced. I was as nervous for Claire to perform as I am when I have to perform. Possibly more nervous! I told her before she went up there that when she sat down she need to take a deep breath and sit up straight before she started to play. And to play it just a bit slower than she does at home. I watched her sit at the piano, straighten her back, take a deep breath...and play her song perfectly!! She didn't miss a single note! I don't know that I have ever been more proud as a mother of my child's accomplishments! That is probably in no small part because music is kind of my thing in our family. This is my influence on Claire, and she excelled at it! Best. Moment. Ever!

Claire had so many people come to support her. Even her best friend, Grace! Grandma Candy came, as well as Grandma Call, Great Grandma Lovell, and Braxton.

Claire's piano teacher, Amy Koster, has been such an answer to prayer. I had searched for more than a year to find a teacher that was in our budget and close enough to our home that it wouldn't be too much for our family to fit it in our schedule. She's a great fit for Claire, and keeps things light and fun. 

I'm so excited to see Claire continue to pursue her love of music!

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