Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas Break Fun

We love Christmas Break! And this year Dad took two whole weeks off of work...and he also didn't have any bishop responsibilities. It was awesome! We spent lots of time in our new family room, and our playing in the snow. But we also planned some activities that took us out of the house. 

Danny and I decided to surprise the kids by taking them out to see "Star Wars: Rogue One" in the theater using the gift card that Grandpa Richard gave us about three years ago. :) The kids were thrilled! It was actually Joseph's first movie, and he did awesome. 

Then we made our way to the mall so the girls could get their ears pierced! This was Claire's second time, and since they messed them up the first time I made sure we took all the time we needed to make sure those piercings were lined up properly. It took a while. :) But Claire was patient, and they turned out awesome! Sophie was so excited to pierce her ears for the first time, and though she was a little nervous she did great. Both girls chose the blue Make-a-Wish star studs, and $5 of the money they spent went to Make-a-Wish. It just touched my heart that they would want to do that to remember Lukey. We have such good girls! Such beautiful, way-too-grown-up, good girls. :)

I wish we never had to go back to work and/or school!

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