Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day!!

When the kids went to bed on Christmas Eve, we gave them strict instructions not to go downstairs without us. Also, I would not be getting Joey up before 7:00 am. Well, they came in RIGHT at 7:00 am, but Danny and I had gotten to bed pretty late the night before so I pushed them back for a few minutes. It didn't take long for Joey to wake up, and then I had to feed him before the craziness began. So the kids begged and generally acted like loons until we finally sent Dad downstairs to take pictures of the loot. Unfortunately, the pics didn't turn out due to poor lighting. :( But suffice it to say, it was quite the reveal!

Santa totally delivered...a new Xbox One S, a 65" TV and surround sound system (for Mom and Dad) and games and movies to enjoy it all with. It was amazing!! There was even a hand-written letter from the big man himself, explaining why he decided not to get the kids what they asked for in toys and instead brought us a new family room to enjoy together. The stockings for the big kids were filled with candy, colored pencils, and even some Pokemon cards! Joey's stocking had mostly fun small toys, but he got his very first Beanie Boo. At first, he didn't quite get the whole "Christmas morning" concept...but he caught on quick. :)

It turned out that the Xbox came with Minecraft, which is something all the kids were totally stocked about. Then Claire got Fantasia, Sophie got Just Dance 2017, and Johnny got a game called Plants Vs Zombies GW2. Since Joey is too young for games, he got "Finding Dory", which everyone was excited about since we are lame and haven't seen it yet. :) And Santa knew that Joey wasn't going to do much with the Xbox, so he got a hiking backpack! Danny was especially excited about this...we're going hiking just as soon as the weather allows! Joey is going to love it, I'm sure.

Mom and Dad not only got the entertainment setup we've been dreaming of, but our stockings weren't empty either! We got candy and Danny got a dodecahedron rubix cube! And between our stockings was another gift from the man in red. The entire Harry Potter series! Santa really nailed it this year!! Even Maese got some treats and toys...

It took a little bit of time, but once we had all calmed down from the excitement of Santa's presents, Danny started passing out the gifts under the tree. We started the kids out with a gift from us. I asked Aunt Julie to help me make new hooded towels for each of the kids! Claire's was threadbare after having been used for every bath and shower of her nine-year life, Sophie had never had one in her life, and Joey needed a towel of his own. I was so excited about this gift, and luckily for me, so were the kids! 

The next gifts the kids opened were their new Sunday clothes from Mom and Dad. Johnny was very happy, since his clothes haven't fit for, well, MONTHS! The girls were in love with their dresses the moment they saw them...but then they just plain freaked out when they saw a matching dress each for their dolls! I totally scored on that find. :)

Next the kids exchanged their gifts to each other. These kids love shopping for each other, and they were SO excited to give their gifts this year. It gets better and better every year, and it's one of my most favorite parts of Christmas.

We paused in the excitement of all these fun gifts to give them another from Mom and Sunday shoes! ;) But to make it more excited, we paired it (Ha! No shoe pun intended!) with the family gift from Grandpa Richard and Grandma Ruth Ann...they sent our family $150!! The kids were speechless to see that much money in cold, hard cash.

There was just one more gift per kid...and it was the big one from Mom and Dad. Joey LOVED his trucks! Shopping for Joey was a bit tricky, since we really don't need a more toys for him. But these just spoke to Danny and I. :) Johnny freaked out to see a video drone for him, but I think he was surprised by how small it was! The girls were excited to see a jewelry box...but were surprised again to see another little gift in their. Gift cards to Claire's to get their ears pierced! 

For all the fun and excitement that Santa and opening presents is, I think one of my favorite parts of the morning has to be after everything has been opened. When there is stuff strewn everywhere and everyone starts playing with something. I love just watching my family be happy. It was all a little much for Joey, but even though he was ready for a nap I helped him play a little bit longer. :)

We were about to head upstairs for breakfast when we remember The Green Pickle!! Our friend Cap'n gave us a pickle ornament and told us all about their tradition, and asked us to carry it on in our family. Um, we love pickles and we were totally on board! Before Danny and I went to bed on Christmas Eve, we hid The Green Pickle somewhere in the tree. Whoever found it got an extra little present. This year the winner was Claire, and she became the proud new owner of another Beanie Boo. :)

While I got breakfast ready, Johnny just had to start finding his dinosaur bones from the science experiment kit that Claire got him. Claire really did an awesome job picking something for Johnny this year.

The morning was just magical. We had a winter storm move through on Christmas for the first time in a long time we woke up to a white Christmas! But even more magical than that breakfast. Oh. My. Goodness. I outdid myself this year. Overnight Blueberry French Toast with hard-boiled eggs and OJ. Minimal effort, all the night before, and the breakfast was gourmet and perfect for the occasion. I'll be doing it again for sure!

Even though it was Christmas, it was first and foremost Sunday. Our Sacrament Meeting started at 1:00, and church was only scheduled for the first block. The kids were singing with the children's choir as a part of the program, so Papa and Grandma Call, Braxton, Aunt Katie, and the Great Grandmas came to listen. It was a beautiful program and the kids did great! I have to say, my family looked quite good in their new Sunday best. :)

After church, and a quick pit stop at home to change, we made our way to Grandma Candy's to open presents there. We had so much fun hanging together and the kids are always so excited to see what fun toys Grandma will have at her house this year. After the kids were finished, Grandma Candy opened her gifts from us, and she loved them! 

The Vigil portion of Christmas only got to last an hour and half before we were due at Grandma and Papa Call's house for dinner. After all, we had the brisket. :) I didn't get a single picture (oops), but dinner was amazing! Claire, Sophie, and Johnny each got a Lego set and Joey got a v-tech race car track. Everyone was very happy! It was the perfect end to our Christmas day.

The only part of the day that I felt was lacking was Lukey. Last year, we read his letter before bed. We talked about him a lot during the day. But this year, Danny and I were up too late the night before to feel like we could read his letter and give it the time and attention it deserved. So we told ourselves we'd read it on Christmas Day. But once again, by the time all was said and done, the kids in bed, and the house picked up...we were exhausted. No one really talked about Luke during the day. Not because anyone chose not to...he just didn't come up. I suppose that's a good thing, and a very natural thing. But it still makes me sad. Sad that we're so easily moving passed our life with him. Moving on without him. Or I suppose we can think of it as moving towards him. 

I'm not overly upset. I don't miss him in a painful way right now. Just in a wishful way. I wish I could see him excited about his presents. I wish I could see him with his brothers. I wish it wasn't going to be SO MANY MORE CHRISTMASES without him. I wish, I wish, I wish...

How grateful I am for the birth, life, and atonement of my Savior! It's what will make all this wishing more than okay in the end. And even through the sorrow and pain of missing Luke, I feel the rightness of it...most of the time. How grateful I privileged and blessed I have the restored gospel in my life. The knowledge of the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ is the best gift of all this holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

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