Sunday, December 11, 2016

Eight Months

Oh, Poseph. I don't know how he does it...but he keeps getting cuter! I think it might be the older kids' doing. Every morning, during our morning prayers, they pray that "Joey will just keep getting cuter". That, my friends, is a testament that prayers are answered! :)

Joey continues to just be a perfect baby! He sleeps like a champ, still preferring to sleep in his crib. He just needs his binky and his BYU blanket and he's good to go. I don't think any of our other children were quite as good as self-soothing as Joseph is. I'd say at least 90% of the time, we put Joey down awake and he'll be asleep inside of 5 minutes. He is still very regimented when it comes to his nap times, and it breaks my heart when we have to take him out during said nap times. He just wants to sleep! But thus is the lot of the 5th child, I suppose.

We took him in for his monthly weight check, and he didn't quite gain as much this last month. He clocked in at 17 lbs 11 oz. We'll find out where he is on the growth chart next month during his well-child appointment. I've kind of stopped worrying about it, though. I'm very cognizant of making sure he eats, because he won't fuss and let me know he's hungry if I'm not on top of it. I guess if I'm going to be honest, I'm becoming more okay with the idea that he's just not going to be a very big boy right now. I know it's silly of me to even care. I'm silly that way. He's definitely more interested in table food and baby food than he is in his bottles or nursing, which gives me hope that he'll start to put on some more weight when he's able to eat more. I'm still pumping, but honestly I'm' not nearly as diligent about that as I used to be either. Still looking forward to being done with that!

There's not much more to say about Poseph this month! He's still every bit the joy he's been every month. He's still the cutest baby anyone has ever seen. In fact, at the ward Christmas party one sister came up to me and while holding her own baby that is about Joey's age said that while she thinks her kids are adorable and loves them to pieces, Joey is the cutest little person she has ever seen. Now that's saying something! In our house, he's everyone's most favorite thing. He's such a morning person, and his smiling happy face and his giggles make waking up in the morning a joy. 

Here's some more about what Joey is doing at eight months old:

*Still in size 3 diapers
*Wearing 9 month and 9-12 month clothes
*Rolling all over the place and sitting unattended
*Loves watching "Yo Gabba Gabba"
*Things it's hilarious to grab Mama's hair, pull her close, and suck on her face!
*Enjoys extended time on the floor with his basket of toys
*Has become quite the wiggle-worm at church

We love you, Po Po! 

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