Friday, September 30, 2011

To My Sophie, On Her Birthday...

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!  Today you turn three, and I can barely believe how much time has passed since you were just my little baby.  

You are such a beautiful and vivacious little girl, Sophie.  You have more spirit and determination than I know what to do with!  You also have the kindest heart, and always make sure that the people you love are okay.  You easily make friends, and once you've made a friend you love them completely.  

You and I have struggled a bit this year.  I feel like everything is a power struggle.  And I have to admit that I've lost my temper with you far more than I would like to admit.  But when I can step away from the situation, and not react from the "I'm-a-tired-mother-of 3-little-kids" place that I seem to function from, I can see that you are simply determined.  And when I strive to see you the way your Heavenly Father sees you, I can see that determination as one of your many gifts.  

Sophie, you have an incredible imagination.  Right now, you truly believe you are Princess Aurora.  So much so, that you can go days and refuse to answer to your name.  It's "Aurora", or you refuse to acknowledge me.  You also will only refer to your Dad as "Prince Phillip", and I'm "Queen".  More specifically, "Your Queen".  You love to play princesses with Claire, with Johnny as your prince.  You also love to pretend that you're the Mommy, and Claire is your sweetie.  You also really love to do my hair.  You are such a little grown-up.

As you've grown, your Dad and I have noticed more of your sensitive side.  You are very aware of when you don't get enough time with your Daddy, and it bothers you a lot.  You talk about how much your miss your grandparents and cousins, and pray for them every night.  

Sophie, you are an incredible little girl.  And I'm so grateful that you are ours.  I know that I struggle trying to teach you right from wrong.  I know that we fight more than either of us would like.  And I'm going to work on that.  But please always know, my sweet little girl, how much I absolutely need you in my life.  You remind me how to love unfeigned, and to live life with unbridled enthusiasm.  You are absolutely beautiful, inside and out.  We love you, Sophie Anne!  Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Katrina Jackson said...

I loved catching up on all your posts. Just so you know, you are not the only one in your three-year-old boat. I am too. And that power struggle is hard. And more than once I have yelled too much and fought with her too much. It's rough. But I too, am working to be better. Good luck to you!