Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

Valentine's Day 2011!  In year's past, I've agonized over Valentine's Day.  I felt so much pressure to not do anything exorbitant, but at the same time celebrate our love in a properly over-indulgent American way.  You know?  :)  After ending last Valentine's a little frustrated, Danny and I decided we were going to mix things up this year.  We were going to start a new family tradition!  I've been so excited!

First, let me digress.  This has nothing to do with the holiday, but I caught this little moment on Valentine's Day, so it's going in this post. :)  Johnny has been spending a lot more time on the floor now that he can roll anywhere he wants to go.  And apparently, he can now reach and play with anything he wants to, too!  Claire had left her sippy cup on the snack rug from her lunch, and Johnny promptly rolled to it and got it in his mouth.  He then finished the last tasty dregs of apple juice that Claire left.  What a cute able little guy!

Ok, back to Valentine's Day.  Danny and I decided to simplify Valentine's, and turn it into a family holiday.  Danny would get me flowers, and the girls a Valentine's gift.  The kids and I would get Danny chocolates.  Period.  That way there were no unmet expectations.  No worrying about budgets, and spending weeks trying to figure out something to get that was meaningful and...uh...inexpensive. :)  The kids and I went out last week and got Danny his chocolates, which Claire promptly told Danny about as soon as he got home.  We're still working on the concept of a surprise. :)

The girls helped me decorate Danny's See's Truffles box during the day, and they loved making their hearts for Daddy.  I think they did a really good job!

Danny surprised us by coming home from work a little early, and he was bearing gifts for the ladies in his life.  For the girls, he got them a (milk chocolate) rose, Tinkerbell conversation hearts, and a Minnie Mouse lollipop.  They were totally stoked!

And for me, he brought tulips.  I love tulips!  They are such a happy, springy flower.  And I kind of liked that they weren't roses.  A little out of the box. :)

If that were all our Valentine's Day consisted of, I would say it was a success.  But there's more!  If Valentine's Day is about celebrating love, than we were going to do what we love with the people we love.  Our new Call family tradition on Valentine's Day is making an awesome "Red and Pink" dinner!  I've been planning the menu for weeks, and looking forward to eating some delicious food for weeks.  I spent a decent part of the day cooking, and I have to say, our meal was a fabulous success!  The kids and I even went to Target and got some fun Valentine's dishes...

Isn't it just beautiful?  It may or may not have brought tears to my eyes!  On the menu was Cheesy Chicken Parmesan, compliments of the Neely's from The Food Network.

It. Was. Incredible.  Seriously, it only took less than an hour to make, and it was inexpensive to boot.  And it could have easily come out of a restaurant kitchen.  Presentation isn't bad either, if you ask me. :)

We also had a green salad, Hawaiian Berry Limeade Punch, and Glass Block Jell-o Hearts.  The Jell-o Hearts were an Our Best Bites recipe. Also awesome, and super cute!

And here is my happy family, sitting down to our awesome dinner.  Johnny was taking a little evening nap, which is why he isn't pictured.

I was so pleased with how everything turned out!  I have pretty high expectations, especially when I'm cooking and have actually planned a special meal.  And it all worked perfectly!  I was one happy Mama.

After dinner was over, we got the kitchen cleaned up and did Family Home Evening.  Then it was time for the girls to go to bed.  Johnny got up from his nap about the time we started FHE, so he was in a good mood.  And Danny and I love it when we get some time with a happy little boy when his sisters are asleep.

Johnny is totally a kisser!  Whenever he's been left alone for too long, as soon as I pick him up he grabs my face and slobbers all over me!  I just love it.

Here are my handsome Valentines!  Danny is obviously tired, but it's only because he's the sweetest husband in the world.  I realized late Sunday night that I had gotten evaporated milk instead of sweetened condensed milk for the Jell-o.  And it's not like there is any such thing as a quick run to the store for us!  So Danny got up EXTRA early and drove all the way into town on Monday morning before going to work to pick up a single can of sweetened condensed milk so I could have my perfect dinner.  He's amazing.

Once we got Johnny to bed, there was little time left for just us.  We put in a disc of "Home Improvement" and ate our Valentine's dessert.  Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie with Heart Ice Cream (thanks, OBB!)  It was delish!

I absolutely loved our Valentine's Day!  And I can't wait for next year.  I love my family so much, and I am still so crazy in love with Danny.  I can't believe I married my best friend.  And that through the years we've been together, our friendship and marriage grow stronger.  

Happy Valentine's Day!


Unknown said...

so fun! i should try something like this, Michael HATES valentines and refuses to celevbrate it! lol but maybe if i tryed this approch he would think different. teh food looks AMAZING!

Justin and Toshi said...

cute cute family! i think we are going to steal your idea for next year! love the pics at the park! you look skinny!

Naomi and Family said...

Katie, will you cook dinner for me again?..... Just kidding, but how could I not ask when you post a picture of those DELICIOUS things!!! :) What a great day! And you, skinny girl, look FANTASTIC!!! I am going to be competing with my sister in law starting Monday for three months. We are going to see who can lose the most in that amount of time. Katie, I just wanna be rad like you!

The Short Family said...

So I so need your recipe for the chicken parmesean. What a fun idea. Your kids are so beautiful by the way.