Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Life with Johnny

The first few weeks with Johnny at home have been awesome!  He's such a wonderful little guy.  He eats great, sleeps great, and rarely poops through his clothes!  Really, what more can you ask from a newborn?  He's definitely been a Mama's boy, which is just fine with me.  I love my son!

Here are my handsome men before Johnny's big debut for the ward.  I've literally waited years to get matching ties for Danny and our son.  Totally worth it!

The girls just can't get enough of their baby brother.  If he's on the floor, they are.  If he's in the swing, they're trying to swing him.  I worry for Johnny's safety a good deal of the time, but to be honest, I think he loves the attention!  And it's obvious how much he loves his sisters.  His eyes literally light up when they get right in his face... :)

We have a picture of Claire and Danny that is almost identical to this one.  Even though Johnny is as big as most three month olds, he still curls up like a newborn.  

I love seeing Danny cuddle with our kids.  I couldn't have chosen a better Daddy for my kids if I had searched the whole world over.

And this picture shows just how handsome my Johnny-boy is.  Thanks, Aunt Jami, for the totally rad outfit!

1 comment:

Naomi and Family said...

Oh, honestly, he is just way too cute!! Little Johnny is so so cute!! I am so happy for you and your family!