Thursday, November 10, 2016

Finishing The Book of Mormon

At the beginning of 2016, Danny and I decided it was time to get serious about our family scripture study. So we set the goal to read every day with the kids, and finish the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. The primary gave each kid a Book of Mormon bookmark, with a way to mark off each chapter as it was read. I promised the kids a treat after we finished each book. And Danny and I decided to switch our reading time from bedtime to right after dinner (on account of the many, many nights he's not here at bedtime). Well...we must have found the right recipe for success because we did it! On November 10th we finished the Book of Mormon as a family...ahead of schedule and without missing a single night of reading!

Danny was inspired to take our family to the cemetery to read Moroni 10 and do "Moroni's Promise". It wasn't so much that we thought Luke would be where his body lay. We know he's not there. But it is a sacred place, and it's a place that is free from distraction. We took turns and read together as we always do. But the Spirit was so much stronger than it's been in the past. I listened to Moroni's last words to us, and as I gazed upon the headstone of our son I was overcome with emotion. In those moments, I knew that Luke was with us. We were finishing the Book of Mormon as a whole family. There have only been a few times since Luke's passing that I knew he was there...literally in my presence, just out of sight and just beyond touch. But right there. It was such a tender gift from my Heavenly Father to allow Luke to be there with us in that way. I looked into the faces of our three older children and knew this was an experience they would never forget. I felt in a way I have rarely felt before that our Heavenly Father and our Savior were pleased with mine and Danny's efforts. That we had started a great thing in our family. Sitting there in that sacred place, as the sun set, I felt the Spirit bear witness to me that the Book of Mormon is indeed true. And that it is every bit as powerful as I've always been taught it is. That by reading, studying, and living the teachings found within I will be able to be with my family forever. I'll be with Luke again, and claim the blessings promised to me to raise him as my own. After we were done reading, Danny took the opportunity to bear his very powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon to our children. And they listened. Danny then asked me to say our family prayer, and to pray for confirmation of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I have rarely prayed so fervently...not that I would know, but that my children would know. That the Spirit would write upon their hearts in a way they would always remember that this was what was important. That this book, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is where they will find happiness and security in this life. That twenty minutes that we spent together as a family that night will always be one of my most treasured memories. After my prayer, the kids made their way to the car and Danny and I stood together and wept for a few minutes.  Wept because of what we just experienced with our children, and wept as we basked in Luke's presence for a moment longer. But as it always goes, those moments are fleeting. No matter how long you want them to last, they are so quick to pass. We felt the moment leave us, so we wiped our eyes, took a deep breath, squeezed each other a little tighter for one last second, and walked to the car...and back to our busy life. As I think back to it, it really was like walking away from a little piece of heaven.  

So in accordance with the treat-based reward system we had established for the end of each book within the Book of Mormon, we needed to get a treat for finishing Moroni! But this couldn't be just any treat. This had to be a very special treat! So we made our way to "The Baked Bear" in Farmington for a gourmet ice cream sandwich. And oh my goodness, was this an appropriately epic treat!! Each of us got our own sandwich, and did our best to finish! :) It was the perfectly sweet way to end a perfectly amazing evening.

I am so grateful for my husband, and for the way he leads and guides our family. It was his initiative to finish the Book of Mormon together. I was immediately on board, but if I'm to be honest, it was his idea. He is a constant example to me, and to our children. I am so grateful for this gospel, and for the privilege it is to live as a righteous daughter of Zion in these latter days. I am so grateful to give my children a legacy of faith, as was given to me. 

We will continue to read every day, as we can't bear the thought of breaking our perfect streak now!!

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