Friday, March 25, 2011

Live The Life: Week Nine

I think I have to be honest.  I've pretty much jumped ship at this point!  As mentioned, I stopped eating on the Live The Life schedule a few weeks back.  And I'm just getting burned out on the workouts.  I can't seem to get really into them anymore, so I'm just going through the motions.  I'm enjoying my runs, but the strength training is getting, well, boring.

I've been struggling with myself for the last week or so.  I really, REALLY wanted to finish this program.  And I wouldn't classify myself as a quitter.  So, do I "go through the motions" (and kind of pathetically at that) for a few more weeks, just so I have 12 posts for 12 weeks?  Or do I admit that I'm not going to finish this, and move on to something that I will enjoy doing and keep me working towards being healthier?  Obviously, I chose the latter.

So, here we are!  Week Nine, and my last.  It was a good experience, and one I think I'll revisit.  I really did learn a lot about food and appropriate calorie intake, which I know will be invaluable.  I learned a lot about exercise, and realized that it will have an effect...even on me!  I know that sounds silly, but I don't know that I really believed it would work.  I also realized that I can, indeed, run!  I started out at Week One, and I was barely able to run for 5 minutes!  As of this morning, I comfortably ran 25 consecutive minutes without stopping or slowing down.  That is an incredible accomplishment!  This is coming from the girl who had panic attacks when it was time to run the mile in grade school.  Literal panic attacks.

Speaking of running, I've decided what I'm going to work on next.  On our 30 Before 30 list, Danny and I set the goal to run a 10k.  So that's my next program!  I'm going to train to run a 10k this summer.  Along with my running program, I think I'm going to give pilates a try.  I really want to be more flexible, and I want my muscles to still get some work.  I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm excited about running now!  Go figure!

I think I've made some ground in the last nine weeks.  I'm working on loving myself more as I am, and accepting that I will always be working on being healthy.  I know I still spend too much time and energy worrying about my appearance, and honestly too much energy thinking about what fitness regimen I'm doing.  But I hope that I'm establishing a lifestyle that will be more habitual, and so take less thought, as time goes on. Would I recommend Live The Life?  Certainly!  It is a great tool in my toolbox of health and fitness.

So, thank you to all that were such a support during this program!  And a special thanks to my wonderful husband, who was always so supportive and kept me going.  And I can't forget the kids, who entertained themselves without destroying too much of the house every morning for an hour and a half while I worked out.  You guys are all awesome!

And the coolest part of all?  This program got me back to my pre-Johnny weight before my little guy was 7 months old!  Nice!  I can't realistically ask for much more than that... :)

Here are my final numbers, and the big picture reveal!


18 lbs lost
5 inches off my waist
4 1/4 inches off my hips


Justin and Toshi said...

Wow! Look at you! You look GREAT! I wish I could get on some sort of fitness regime, but alas between Justin's schedule and the fact that Luke can't go to the kid care at the gym I am hit or miss. Not to mention that I was talking to Justin about BMI the other night and if (a BIG if) I were 5 ft tall I would need to weigh 108 to have a healthy BMI!! Are you kidding me...I don't think I was that skinny as a 16yr old! ;) So NOT fair!

The Reynolds said...

Awesome job, Katie! You look great! And can I just add, thank you for smiling and looking decent in the "before" pictures. I hate when people don't smile, look pasty white (not that you jealous), no make-up, etc. Because then of course they look better in the second picture when they are smiling, whitened their teeth, dressed up, went tanning, etc. So you can literally see the results you got! Once again, you look great!

Naomi and Family said...

You are AMAZING!!! Seriously!! You look AMAZING!!! I am typing with one hand so there is more I wish to tell you, but in short, your mr hero! Also, I would love to run with you! Maybe sometimes? I know Derek would be down to watch the kids..... :)

Andrew and Sharon said...

You look great!