Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 19

Here we are, only 1 week away from the half way mark!  This has been a very productive week.  Danny and I met with the midwives in Yuciapa on Monday afternoon, and it was a wonderful experience!  We definitely feel good about a home birth.  The only piece of the puzzle that remains is the appointment we have on April 5th with a Dr. Housel at the Circle of Life Women's Clinic in Utah.  As long as we get the insurance changed, birthing in Utah is still an option.  I have sort of a long list of stipulations, however, that would have to be met before I'd do a VBAC in the hospital.  If we can have the type of birth experience we want, both Danny and I think we would rather do the first VBAC in the hospital just in case.  But, we should be able to make a decision within the next 3-4 weeks.  What a relief it will be to know how we're going to plan on delivering this little boy of ours!

I've been feeling REALLY good this week!  Johnny moves all the time now, and we think Danny even felt him kick the other night!  According to, he's about 8 1/2 ounces and 6 inches from head to bottom (about the size of a large heirloom tomato, apparently).  I'm definitely feeling bigger, as my belly gets in the way now!  I'm feeling so much more excited about this pregnancy, and realizing that it really won't be too much longer before I'll be holding my son in my arms.  Hopefully after a very successful VBAC!

1 comment:

David and Camillia said...

Its nice to read that you are feeling better! We are excited to see you guys in a few weeks!