Friday, May 12, 2017

Inaugural Hike Up Adam's Canyon

Danny has been itching to do a hike with the family. It's been such a wet and chilly spring that we had to wait until May to get out! But when we saw we had an open Friday evening, we seized the chance to finally make it up to the waterfall at the top of Adams Canyon as a family. Danny and Johnny did it together last year, but the girls and I have never made it to the top. Or Joey, of course. :) Braxton joined us for the adventure as well. We were pumped!

It was a nice afternoon/evening, though the wind in the valley was incredible! It was annoying at first, with the sand blowing into our faces. But once we got into the trees, the weather was perfect. Joey enjoyed the experience from his backpack, and loved every minute.

Johnny led us up the mountain, and he set a pretty quick pace! This was my first hike in two years, but I was keeping up which made me happy. :) We decided we'd take our first break at "The Log" for a snack and a little rest. 

The next part of the hike was going to be the hard part. This was real hiking people, not a little walk in the woods. We're basically rock climbing in some spots! The water was pretty high from the wet winter, so we definitely had wet feet. But it was so gorgeous, and it felt so good to exert ourselves outside again. 

Danny had to ford the river with each kid to get them across, but we finally made it to the waterfall!! It felt like quite the accomplishment for our band of little kids. But they were awesome. We ate dinner at the fall, and rested for as long as we could. It was rather chilly with that spray and no sun! Once again, Danny had to get each of the kids back through that freezing water. What a guy!

All in all, we hiked a total of four miles...with 1200 vertical four hours. And with no complaints from the kids! Danny decided, however, that Joey's backpack wasn't nearly as comfortable to wear as he thought it would be. So we'll be upgrading that soon. Because we're sure we have a fun summer full of hiking ahead of us!

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