Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August iMoments

Johnny has really gotten comfortable jumping into the deep end the the pool. Comfortable enough to do a belly flop!

Finally, after quite the search, we found a piano teacher for Claire! She is so excited to start lessons!

We finished the Book of Alma!! After reading all summer, we did it. And we've kept the streak alive...we haven't missed a night since January 4th! It called for a bigger treat than usual. Dinner at Hug Hes Cafe!

Brotherly love. :)

I don't get many pictures with Joey, and I wanted to remember what life was like when I could just cuddle my sweet little man-child. 

That time we decided to go for the faux hawk. :)

Enjoying the last bit of summer afternoons by the pool. This boy loves to swim!

4 months old! 

Sophie loving on her Poseph. She is such a good big sister...

Danny and I have been trying to figure out how to get Claire to finish a book. After going to her friend Claire's "American Girl" birthday party, she really wanted to use her money and buy herself a nice doll. But I wouldn't let her until she'd finished the book she had started a month or so ago. It took a lot of dedication and a bit of nagging from me, but she finished! And bought her beautiful doll, Sienna. 

Matching ties! 

Joey is growing up way too fast. We gave the bouncer a try, and I thought for sure he'd be a bit too little still. I was so wrong! He loves bouncing, and the big kids were so excited for him!!

Danny surprised me with the most beautiful roses on our anniversary. Ten years has been good to us, and I love him more and more each day.

Joey gets the cutest curls when he sleep sweats. I know I'm going to miss those curls!

Grandma Call has been in Texas, and Papa had surgery. So we decided to go get the garden good and harvested for our FHE activity. It was quite the haul!

Joseph is hitting some milestones! He's getting much better at tummy time, and actually managed to roll from him tummy to his back...twice!

And he's finally getting the hang of his rice cereal! Such a big boy!!

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