Thursday, August 25, 2016

To My Johnny, On Your Birthday...'re six years old! How did that happen?! I'm pretty sure I told you last year when you turned five to knock it off, but you didn't listen. :)

What a year you've had! Last year, I talked a lot about how you handled losing a brother. And this year you've gained a brother! What a blessing Joey has been in your life...from the time he was just a little embryo growing within me to today. One of the hardest parts of losing Luke for you was not having someone to take care of. You are so nurturing to those smaller than you, and Luke left a void. Once you found out I was pregnant, you channeled all that nurturing spirit into taking care of me! You loved our afternoon snuggles, where I would nap and you'd cuddle next to me. You asked me multiple times a day, when I was struggling with morning sickness, if my tummy hurt. You'd ask if you could get me something. You'd feel bad for me when I threw up. When your Dad and I found out we were having another boy, you were beyond thrilled! The minute we told you we were considering the name "Joseph" and we'd call him "Joey", that was the end of it for you. Baby Joey it was! We could have named him "Peter", and you'd still call him Joey. :) You would say goodnight to my tummy every night, and you even decided to stay home from Megan's wedding so that you'd be able to spend the most time with Joey in the hospital. And you insisted on being the first one to hold your baby brother. Since Joey joined our family, you don't feel so lonely as the "only boy". You are anxious to teach Joey how to play with you, and you always want to help take care of him. You ask me every day if you can hold your "Poseph"...a nickname you started by calling him "Joseph Woseph Poseph". You are such an amazing big brother, and Joey looks at you with such awe, wonder, and love. I'm so excited to see you two grow together.

While you are a fantastic big excel at being a pest of a little brother. :) You love your sisters, and you miss them so much when they're gone at school. But boy, do you aggravate them! You and Sophie especially. Dad and I say that the two of you are like fire and ice. You are either totally copacetic, or at each other's throats. I have prayed and prayed that the Lord would send you some friends to play with. And then little Livi moved next door, and she was brave enough to go to both our house and Adri's house and just knock on the door! Now the three of you play together every chance you get, and we hope the fence can hold up to all the back and forth! I love it though, and it makes me so happy to see you playing with kids your age. I dare say it's made you a happier boy too.

This was your last year in preschool, and in fact you started kindergarten yesterday! You've been so excited to start school. Since January, we've been reading the Book of Mormon as a family every day. And since then your reading as sky rocketed!! It's been amazing to watch, and you just love your turn to read. You've become rather inquisitive as to why things are the way they are, and it's becoming evident that you have an engineer's mind...just like your Daddy. Kindergarten is going to be a breeze for you! You're the oldest, tallest, biggest kid...but your Dad and I hope that while a lot of the subject matter will be too easy for you, you'll take the opportunity to grow socially and build a solid foundation in Spanish.

So back to your Book of Mormon absolutely love the stories in the Book of Mormon! You've taken to listening to the stories on your Kindle and I'm always amazed at the details you remember. When we're reading as a family, you'll often exclaim "OH! I know this one!" and proceed to tell us all about what's happening. I love it! You enjoy Primary, and I know you're among the most reverent kids. You bore your testimony in Sacrament Meeting a month ago, and it brought tears to my eyes to hear you talk about your knowledge of eternal families. To listen to your testimony and understand your speech so well was such a tender experience. You have such a mighty spirit, John. I know the Lord is preparing you for great things.

You continue to grow in your athletic abilities. We have yet to get you on a team sport, but we're anxious to do it. You love to play, and you are very competitive! But you don't really have sportsmanship going for you yet. :) You've discovered "America Ninja Warrior", and now everything around you is a potential obstacle. :) You love football, and can't wait for the season to start. I look forward to watching you and your Dad bond over football.

We love you so much, John! You are a delightful boy (most of the time). You are so funny, and you can be so caring and tender. You can also be the most pig-headed, obstinate, frustrating child I have ever known! But we're still optimistic you'll grow out of that. :) Happy Birthday, Johnny!! 



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