Saturday, May 28, 2016

To My Claire, On Your Birthday...

Happy Birthday, Claire Bear! You're nine years old already, and I don't even know what to think about that! I can't believe you're so big.

Claire, you are such a delight. Still our angel baby in every way! Your Dad and I often say that you are simply good to the very core. You have such a simple, but intense desire to do what is right. We love that about you! In the year since your baptism, you've continued to grow in your love and knowledge of the gospel. The few times you've done something wrong in the last year, you've understood how to repent and have cultivated a relationship with the Holy Ghost. You love to participate in Primary, and you especially love Activity Days. You are so good at reading the scriptures during our family study, and you follow the story and understand the lessons being taught. I marvel at your goodness, Sweetheart! I can't wait to see you continue to grow in your love of the Lord and His gospel. Because I have no doubt that you will.

You've had an excellent school year, making so many new friends and strengthening your relationships with your old friends. You have such a loving heart, and you always tell me what's going on in your friends' lives. I don't know them all, but it shows me that you are a great listener. Your friends will love you forever for how much you care for them. You excelled in your classwork, though your homework load was just about more than either one of us could take! But you (we) persevered, and we've made it to the end of the school year at last. You're saying goodbye to third grade! Well, I suppose you're saying "adios", since your Spanish is so amazingly excellent now. :)

You have been such a huge help since Joey was born. You love to help take care of him! Your Dad recognized that you were ready, and taught you from the time Joey came home how to hold him, carry him, and change his diaper. It made me nervous...I just couldn't admit to myself how grown up and capable you are already. But you took to caring for your baby brother immediately. I'll never forget when you said, "Changing diapers is why do I love doing it so much?!" :) You crack me up! You continue to have a close relationship with Sophie, and you and Johnny are buds. You have been solidifying your role as the oldest sibling, and you're more of a leader in your games and activities together than you used to be. I've loved watching your confidence grow.

You still love art. But I've decide that it's more than just drawing for you. You love to be creative, whether it's drawing or decorating or cooking. You've taken quite a shining to the concept of "dyi", and you've even found a crafter on YouTube that you love to follow. You've found your voice, quite literally, and love to sing. You even sang in the Stake Children's Choir for Stake Conference! Again, your confidence just makes my heart swell! You have a beautiful voice and a natural talent. I look forward to when we can sing together. :) 

Claire, you are such a beautiful girl, inside and out. With your gorgeous long hair and your braces, you are growing up before our eyes...and sometimes it's terrifying how beautiful you already are! I can't believe it's been nine years since you came to me and made my dreams of becoming a mother come true. You are a gift to me, Claire. You are so quick to forgive me of all my blunders and for all the times I lose my temper. You always see the best in me, and that means more to me than I could ever tell you. I look forward to the ways in which our relationship will grow. I hope you'll always see me as one of your best friends. I love you, Sweet Girl! I can't wait to see what this next year holds for you! Happy Birthday, Claire!



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