Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day usually involves food and fun of some fashion. But for us, as long as we are in Utah, the day will start with a visit to the cemetery to decorate for Luke and Rachel. This year was no different. I picked out Luke's yellow mums over a week ahead of time (go me!) and I love how they brighten up his place. My Mom brought him some beautiful BYU blue and white flowers, and put his picture by his headstone. I love that she does that. I love it when Luke's Place looks so bright and beautiful!

We brought Rachel the white mums, and it looks like a few others besides my Mom remembered Rachel this year. The kids love the mustache candle my Mom leaves out...they demanded a mustache picture for Aunt Rachel. :) I love that my kids feel like they have a relationship with her, even though they don't remember her. I sure do miss my sister.

I am so grateful for a day to remember my loved ones. And I am so grateful for the men and women of our military who have given everything so that me and my family could be free. And I am once again most grateful for the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer. For the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and the priesthood power upon the earth that seals my family together forever.

Happy Memorial Day!

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