Thursday, December 2, 2010

One Year Closer

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of Rachel's death.  I'm behind in some other posts I've wanted to get done, but I want to take the opportunity to post about my sister, and the wonderful day we had yesterday.

My family has been bracing for this one year anniversary.  We all anticipated that it would be a hard day.  A day full of remembering how awful December 1st was last year.  We talked about trying to coordinate a memorial of sorts, but in the end decided to let everyone find comfort in whatever way they saw fit.  Turned out, that was really the best thing.

I woke up in the morning, not knowing what to expect.  Or what to do to honor my sister.  But my day began not with tears, but with a sense of peace.  Even joy at the life my sister lived.  I got on Facebook, and read all the wonderful things her friends had posted.  While reading those sweet messages brought tears to my eyes and pain to my chest, I realized something profound.  If the way people remember you after you leave this life is any indication of how you lived it, than my sister did as good a job as anyone could.  So many people remembered the day, not because they were concerned for our loss, but because they experienced a loss as well.  Rachel touched so many lives, and had such an influence on everyone she interacted with.  I decided I have a lot to learn from my youngest sister.  And that's how I'm going to honor her.  I chose a couple of areas in my life that I can follow Rachel's example in, and for the next year I'm going to work to make those areas stronger.  Thank you, Rachel!  You're an amazing example to me.

Of course, we all worried about my Mom.  But, not necessarily surprisingly, she had a wonderful day!  A day full of that same peace that I felt.  A peace that can only come from the Spirit.  I know there were countless prayers uttered in my mother's and our family's behalf, and I know the prayers in the temple were for us as well.  And I KNOW we felt their effect.  

Death is something that has always frightened me.  Well, not death itself, but the separation that comes with it.  I have to say, even with all I've learned from Rachel's death, I'm still anxious for when I'll lose someone else.  Because it will happen.  It's a necessary part of this mortal experience.  But while I may still fear the separation, I have learned that peace will follow, if you allow for it.  I know that life can still be joyful.  I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ.  They will not leave us comfortless.

I love my sister, and I miss her very much.  But I'm so excited to find out what great work she is doing in the spirit world.  Because if I know my sister, it's a great and groovy work.  Love you, Rachel!  You're the tannest and prettiest sister! :)

1 comment:

loriellen said...

What a great tribute to Rachel. I know she is still very involved in your life even though her work goes on on the other side of the veil. It is a tender mercy that we are able to have that peace in knowing the power of Christ's atonement. We love you and love your blog!