Monday, July 23, 2012

Sophie's First Talk

Back in June, on Father's Day to be exact, Sophie gave her first talk in Primary.  She did such an awesome job!  She was a bit nervous at first, and sometimes when Sophie gets nervous she completely shuts down.  But I gave her a little pep talk, and walked her up to the front of Primary to take her seat.  She waited reverently for her turn, and then walked right up to the microphone.  Danny helped her, and she spoke each word clearly and confidently.  Here's what she had to say:

"I can choose the right by being obedient.  Being obedient means listening to my Mom and Dad when they ask me to do something.  It also means listening to my Primary teachers.  I try to always be obedient to the commandments that Heavenly Father and Jesus have given us.  When I do, I feel happy.  I love my Heavenly Father, and I love Jesus, too.  I especially love my Daddy.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

I know that Sophie knows her Heavenly Father and her older brother, Jesus Christ.  I am so proud of her sweet testimony of the gospel.  As she spoke, the spirit was strong and I was reminded of how much our Heavenly Father loves each of us.  I know that Danny felt especially proud of Sophie, and enjoyed helping her with this big-girl responsibility.  And it was fun that it was on Father's Day!

We're so proud of you Sophie, and enjoy seeing the girl you are growing up to be!  You are truly a sweetheart.  Love you, Baby Girl!

1 comment:

David and Camillia said...

So cute! Everyone is growing up to fast. :)