Friday, July 9, 2010

The Fourth of July

It seems like we got a whole weekend of the 4th this year.  With the actual day falling on Sunday, seems like we made sure to celebrate on Friday, Saturday, and Monday...not to mention a little fireworks show on Sunday.  :)

Friday was our Call family day, which we of course spent cooking-out and swimming at the school.  We had lots of yummy food and the pool was perfect!  Everyone was able to be there, except Robbie and Kris who are still in Ohio.  Kenny even brought his date (dare I say girlfriend?) Suzie and her two boys, Braxton and Taven.  

On Saturday evening, we ate a wonderful dinner of grilled chicken and dutch oven potatoes at Grandma and Papa's house, and David and Camillia were able to join us as well!  We had to take the opportunity to get some pictures of the three girls.  Here was our attempt:

We also made a delicious dessert, but unfortunately that had to wait until Sunday.  :(  But, Sunday came soon enough, and we celebrated our nation's birth with a few fireworks and that delicious aforementioned dessert!

Claire got a little nervous once the fireworks actually started, but once Papa showed her how to "control" the fireworks with her special 4th of July magic wand, she was just fine.

Sophie preferred the "ostrich-with-its-head-in-the-sand" approach...

After fireworks, it was time for a classic American dessert re-worked.  Behold, the Frozen Banana Split Square!

I didn't take a picture of ours, but trust me, it looked equally as delicious and tasted even better!  It was a wonderful 4th of July weekend.  We are so grateful for our freedoms, and those that fight both at home and abroad to ensure those freedoms.  It's a privilege and a blessing to live in this promised land.  God Bless America!

1 comment:

Andrew and Sharon said...

Glad you guys had a good 4th - I can't believe you were in Utah for three weeks!! Sounds like a fun trip :)