Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Halloween Photo Shoot

Halloween really isn't my jam. But I do love how cute my kids are in their costumes! Though it was a lot easier when they were little and were perfectly happy to just pick out a costume at Costco! Not only are they too evolved for such childish costumes...they're too big!

When thinking up costume ideas, the girls and I got really excited about doing Dia de los Muertos costumes for them. And that was the plan...up until about three weeks before Halloween. That's when it finally dawned on me that they were going to have to wear their costumes many times...and quite a few of them would be without me. It just wasn't going to be possible to paint their faces that many times. And that was kind of the whole costume. So we bailed on that idea, and the girls came up with a different one. They love a book called "Super Narhwal and Jelly Jolt", and they thought it would be so fun to dress up as the characters. Well, they don't exactly sell those costumes. And there weren't even any ideas on Pinterest! My girls were venturing into unknown territory for sure if there was nothing on Pinterest!! I found a picture online for inspiration (since they had long since return the book to the school library) and we did it. It was more crafting than I've ever done before, and I had to ask Grandma Call to make the cape for Sophie, but the costumes turned out perfectly and the girls were ecstatic! 

Johnny wanted to be a zombie from his favorite xBox game, "Plants vs. Zombies". I found a picture online was thrilled. It looked like it would be a piece of cake! Well, I had a little stress trying to find a brown sports jacket at the DI, and never did. But we got close, and we were all thrilled with how it turned out!

And Joseph? Well, his costume was a bit more cerebral. He was Joey-as-a-Joey-with-a-Joey. :) And oh my goodness, the cuteness!! It was almost more than we could bear!

We had so much fun taking pictures!! Can't wait for Trick or Treats!

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