Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Twelve Months

20 lbs 13.5 oz ~ 42nd percentile
30 inches ~ 57th percentile
Head circumference: 19 inches ~ 95th percentile

It happened. Our baby boy...our precious Poseph...went and turned one!! I'll be honest, we are all rather sad about this. Well, all of us except Joseph. :) He's pleased as punch! 

Not much has changed for Joey in the last month; he's kind of leveled out on the milestones. He has, however, developed an ever-increasing amount of attitude. :) He knows what he wants, when he wants it, and he expects it to happen now! But a vast majority of the time, he's still just our happy boy. He is quite the busy-body, and can somehow manage to destroy the house single-handedly. He's not walking yet, but he's gained confidence and speed while cruising along the furniture. There have even been a few times he's caught himself standing on his own, and he promptly sits down. :)

I think the biggest thing about Joey right now is that he wants to be one of the big kids. He wants to be with them all the time, doing what they are doing or eating what they are eating. If we put food on his plate that doesn't match our food, he'll throw a fit until he gets what we're having. And you don't want to see what happens if they all go outside with him. He will cry at the back door and break your heart with those big brown eyes until you take him outside. We're so grateful for the net around our trampoline...it's become a giant play pen for Joey and he loves it!

At his well-child check up, I was pleased to see him get a little higher on that weight percentile, and Dr. Stewart was pleased to see him settle into a growth curve! So no more weight checks...yay! Everything else checked out just fine, and he's right where he should be developmentally. After a few shots, we were on our way and hopefully won't be back until he's 15 months. I still stress a bit when I feel like he's not finishing his bottles, and I'm not quite sure what to do about transitioning him away from formula ($$$) and toward whole milk without aggravating his milk sensitivity, but for the most part I don't worry about how much he eats anymore and it's wonderful!

Here's the last little bit about Joey as a baby. He's a big boy now!

*Wears a size 3 diaper...but is ready for 4's
*Wears 12-18 month clothes
*Smiles his "cheesey" smile for the camera
*Loves being outside
*Still uses Maese as a pillow
*Is still our blankie baby
*Still only has his four teeth (love those fangs!)
*Can handle just about any table food
*Still loves to play with a ball over anything else
*Loves to high five
*Has developed a bit of "stranger danger"

And there you have it. My last monthly post for any of my babies. I don't have a baby anymore! But we ended on a high note, that's for sure. We love you, Joey!! Happy Birthday, Little Man!

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