Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Joey Turns One!

None of us are thrilled that Joey is turning one and leaving babyhood behind us all. But since we can't stop it, we may as well party! :) On Sunday the 9th we had all the local family come over to celebrate. I printed off all the monthly pictures of Joey so we could see how he had grown, and I hung them from our birthday banner. I did this while the kids were at choir, so I was alone as I cried. :) I was sure to have my make-up touched up before they came home, and they were none the wiser. A few minutes after they had come home, I noticed Johnny crying on the couch. He and Sophie had been at each other all day, so I assumed they were fighting again. When I asked, rather sharply, what was wrong Johnny burst into tears and said, "I don't want Joey to not be our baby anymore!" So my sweet Johnny and I sat together for about 15 minutes, looking and Joey's banner and crying. Reminiscing about all the good times we had with Joey as our baby. And Johnny asked again if we could please have another baby. Sorry, buddy!

I also spent the afternoon prepping my first and only smash cake! It was a little stressful to assemble, and required an obscene amount of frosting to hold it all together, but I was rather pleased with how it turned out!!

Finally, it was party time! Joey wore his big brother's birthday shirt and with the help of, well, just about everyone, was able to figure out this whole birthday present business. True to a one-year-old, he was far more interested in the paper, boxes, and tape than the actual presents. But he got some really cute outfits and some great bath tub toys! 

And then it was time for the part everyone was waiting for...the cake smash! Joey really just wanted his party hat, and he was pretty upset when I took it away from him. Golly, but he's cute when he's sad! But it didn't take him long to figure out that he got to eat this whole thing, and that it was pretty tasty! And he's even cuter covered in cake... ;)

On Joey's actual birthday, the celebrations started all over again! The kids and I were sure to decorate the window, just for our Poseph! Once we got home from soccer, we gave Joey his last birthday present and blew out another candle. Joey really just wanted the candle this time, but once again it didn't take him long to discover the cake. I guess it's his party, and he can cry if he wants too, right? :)

And just like that, our Joey is one. Oh Poseph...it's become something of a dead horse that I just keep beating over and over again. But we are so sad to say goodbye to our baby! Thank you so much for coming to our family and bringing so much happiness and light-heartedness. Thank you for being you, and making our family complete. Happy Birthday, Joey! We love you to the moon and back!

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