Monday, January 30, 2017

Family Home Evening Goal

At the beginning of 2016, we set a goal as family to read the Book of Mormon every day, and to finish before Christmas. We totally rocked that goal, and have continued the streak of reading every night without too much effort. So we decided we needed a new goal for 2017, and Danny and I knew right where our weakest point was: Family Home Evening. 

We knew we needed a reward system, so it was decided that if we made it five weeks in a row with a "real" FHE, we'd go for a special treat. A "real" FHE needed a lesson, activity, and treat. This is always where we've failed in the past. The lessons are always hard to prepare when I don't remember until dinnertime on Monday that we're supposed to do FHE. Since we have 9:00 am church this year, the kids and I decided that we would use Sunday afternoons and evenings to make sure we have everything for family night prepared the day before. 

I'm happy to report that so far, it's worked wonderfully! We've had some great family nights. Claire, Sophie, and Johnny have all prepared and presented a lesson (complete with their testimony). They've planned and executed treats and activities. It's been awesome!

On Monday, January 30th we reached out 5th week of not missing a Family Home Evening! It was Sophie's turn to do the treat, so she got to pick where we went...and she picked Menchie's. It was a perfect treat.

I have really loved the comfort and confidence that comes from following the words of the prophets. To deliberately and tenaciously work at something that you aren't very good at naturally, to come closer to living all of Heavenly Father's commandments. Danny and I both feel really good about the foundation we're creating for our children, and for our family. It's not always easy, but I'm always happy we did it when we're through. ;)

Next treat: Monday, March 6!

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