Monday, July 11, 2016

Three Months

Three months already! Three months felt like forever when I was pregnant, yet somehow these last few months have just flown by. But it also seems like time has warped somehow, and now there never was a time before Joey was our baby. I often wonder what it will be like when we can grasp existence without beginnings or ends. I think sometimes we get a glimpse of that, especially while our children come to us and grow so fast. 

Joseph is an absolutely happy baby! When my family was here for his blessing, my nephew Ace remarked, "Does he ever even cry?!" And the answer is no, not really! Joey is happy, or at the very least content, virtually all day long. He has the biggest smiles and the biggest stories, and he's happy to entertain anyone that will maintain eye contact with him. He especially loves his brothers and sisters, and he always has big stories and smiles for Daddy when he gets home. But, if this is going to be an accurate account, it must be said that Joey saves his best smiles and stories for Mama. :) That boy brings so much joy to my heart. Which I need so often when my heart is heavy and burdened. Joey is such a gift to me!

I think he's right on track developmentally, though his weight is still a source of stress for me. He seems to be eating great, and he sleeps amazingly well...but he just doesn't gain much weight! I took him in for a weight check and he clocked in at 13 lbs 8 oz...that's not even a pound gained in a month! I don't know where he stacks up against the average weight for a 3 month old, but for a baby that started out so incredibly big he's really not keeping up the growth! He seems pretty long to me, though, so maybe that's where all his energy is going. :) I need to do better about tummy time, as I realized the other day that he's already three months old and I'm pretty sure he can't raise his head. Like all my babies, he hates tummy time. And I hate making him upset! But we're going to have to start working on it.

Here's a bit more about Joey at 3 months old:

* Still in size 1 diapers
*Wears some 3-6 month, but mostly 6 month clothes
*Still has bluish, grayish eyes!
*Is trying his best to become a thumb sucker, much to his Mother's chagrin
*Sleeps like a rockstar, going to bed before 10 and waking at 7 or 8 am most mornings
*Is still a pretty distracted nurser, he'd love to take his food on the go and keep observing life!
*Is pretty ticklish, and can almost let out a real laugh
*Has very strong legs, and likes to practice standing on laps
*Is just starting to discover that he can control his hands and arms
*Loves playing with Claire, Sophie, and Johnny!
*Daddy calls him "Broseph Joseph"
*Sophie calls him "JoJo"
*Mom calls him "The Poseph"

Oh Joey, we all love you so much! The kids wish they could keep you like you are forever, and Dad and I agree! But we're so excited to see you grow up and learn to do more exciting things and get even cuter!

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