Sunday, July 3, 2016

Joey's Blessing

Sunday was Joseph's blessing day. Our last baby to bless! I still can't believe it.

Our ward meets at 1:00 pm, so it was a normal Sunday morning for the kids and I. Danny was at meetings, and we would just meet him at church per our usual. So it was up to me to get everyone ready for church, and get to the building at least 20 minutes early. We had FIVE babies being blessed in our ward!! Two of them were Calls, Joey and Jocelyn (Robbie's and Kris'), but there were going to be a ton of people there, so seats were at a premium. I was a bit flustered, but I got the kids and I ready with just enough time to take a few pictures. Now, for the historical record I must say that Joey's blessing outfit was supposed to be pants! When we were buying his outfit, I went back and forth between the 3-6 month size and the 6-9 month size. Ultimately, the 6-9 month size just looked SO LONG! Well, turns out he needed it, because the 3-6 month size was SO SHORT! Oops. :) Luckily, Joey makes every look good...even a knee-high blessing outfit. :) 

He really is a stud! Claire, Sophie, and Johnny were very proud of their littlest brother!

By the time we got to the building (which was about 20 minutes early) the chapel was already mostly full! I got a little flustered trying to figure out where everyone should sit, but in the end we all found seats and I could still make eye contact with Danny while he was on the stand...which was important to me. I also asked that Joey be the last one of the five to be blessed, so that Danny could bring our son to me and we could share a quick kiss, since we wouldn't get to sit together with Joey after the blessing. Being the Bishop has some pull, and Joey was indeed the last one blessed. :) Jeff and Jami were sitting next to me, so I handed Joseph to Jeff to take up to the circle.

There were so many great men in the circle with Danny to give Joseph a name and a blessing. Danny's Dad (Roger) and his three brothers (Kenny, Robbie, and David), my brother-in-law Jeff and my nephew-in-law Mark were there, along with Danny's uncle Russ. And of course Danny invited his counselors Jared Dower and Ryan Petterson to stand with him. 

Joseph was blessed to know how much he was loved by his Heavenly Father, his older brother Jesus Christ, his parents, and his siblings. He was told to look to his parents, sisters, and brothers for guidance and strength, and that he would learn from them the precepts of the gospel and that they would instill in him a love of the gospel and a desire to share it. He was blessed to receive all the ordinances of the restored gospel, and with a desire to be baptized and receive the priesthood, serve a mission, and be sealed. He was admonished to love all those he comes into contact with, that through him they might feel the love their Savior has for them. And finally, he was blessed with strength and health, and to grow and develop as he should.

The blessing was very emotional for Danny and me. First of all, we both strongly believe that Luke is present with us during these times when we are participating in the ordinances of the gospel. We feel him there with us, and it makes us simultaneously happy and sad. Secondly, Joseph is our last child. He is the child we never expected, and he is literally a gift to us. There is so much tender feeling surrounding this sweet son of ours. And for me, I had a very special experience during Luke's blessing. Joseph's blessing reminded me of that special experience with Luke, but not in a way that took anything away from the experience I was having with Joseph. I think it will be that way with Joseph, Luke, and I for the rest of my life. There is so much about Joseph that reminds me of Luke...the way he smiles, the way his eyes show so much pure joy when he's's just like Luke. But Joey is still his own boy, a son all his own, and I love him for him. But I also love him for reminding me of the son I don't have with me right now. 

Because we had a family day with my family on Saturday, and we were planning on spending Monday with Danny's family, we didn't do a big family meal after the blessing. Jeff and Jami had to hit the road back to Colorado after Sacrament Meeting, so after we took pictures pretty much everyone went their separate ways. I was so grateful for my family that was able to be there. We had all of Danny's family present, and we are so grateful that Robbie and Kris came just three weeks after Jocelyn was born to share in this day with us.

After Danny got home from his meetings, we went over to the school to have Sunday dinner with Danny's family. Lori was kind enough to handle the whole meal on her own so Kris and I didn't have to worry about a thing. With my family gone, we officially switched gears to Danny's family. It was nice to visit with everyone. It continues to blow my mind how quickly all these kids are growing up! Grandma and Papa loved getting to love on the babies, and of course the Great Grandmas took their turn as well!

It was a wonderful day, for a wonderful boy. We love Joey so much, and he very much completes our family! We are so blessed to have the children we do. They each are a gift to me. Claire keeps me grounded with her calm take on life. Sophie reminds me to enthusiastically enjoy every minute of life. Johnny gives me companionship and unconditional love. Luke gives me perspective and a knowledge of the spiritual nature of things. And Joseph is our joy after sorrow, and he has already healed and filled my heart in a way I didn't know I needed. The Lord has blessed me beyond what I am worth of, and I only hope I can be the mother these amazing spirits deserve. I'm just glad I picked the most awesome Dad I ever could for them! :) 

We love you, Joseph! We look forward to all you'll do in your life!

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