Monday, February 22, 2016

Claire Starts Orthodontia

We always knew this day would come. The day we would start paying for orthodontia! I didn't really expect Claire to start quite so early...I always figured you started in junior high or high school. But I guess they start earlier now...which is probably a good thing since Claire's poor mouth was starting to look pretty gnarly!

Claire was a little nervous, but not too bad. Her first visit was going to be placing her expander...and then after 8 weeks of expanding her expander she would have her braces placed. And lucky me, I was going to get to be doing the expanding! Eek... She will be doing two phases in her treatment. This first one will be her expander and her first set of braces. Once the teeth that are already in are lined up correctly, she'll be in a retainer for a couple of years while we wait for the rest of her permanent teeth to come in. Then she'll have one more set of braces to line everything up together, and she'll be done!

Here's to straight teeth and a gorgeous smile!

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