Sunday, March 2, 2014

Relapse Treatment

I mostly try to keep Luke's cancer stories to his blog.  I have felt strongly since he first got sick that I didn't want our family history for the time that we dealt with cancer to be ALL ABOUT CANCER.  There is still so much to our life.  But there are times, a lot of times, that the two lives are one.  

Like when we're sending Luke back into treatment.  Right after we had really started to feel like we were done.  It's a struggle to understand the Lord's timing and ways, but we have faith in his love and care for our family.  It was Fast Sunday, so we had fasted for Luke and made sure we got everyone a blessing.  It was a sweet experience for our family.  Grandma and Papa and Grandma Candy stayed after my birthday celebration was over to be a part of the blessings and to get some more snuggles with Luke.

We know we're heading into a lot of unknowns with this treatment.  But the one thing we know for sure is that it will be extremely difficult to be separated again.  It was hard the first time around, but it will be harder now.  Luke has grown up so much in the last 9 months that he's been home, and the children have become so accustomed to being together.  Danny and I have become accustomed to, and appreciated in a whole new way, being together with all of our children in our home...every night.  It feels very much like stepping into the darkness by sending Luke back into treatment.  But we feel very strongly that this is the right thing for Luke right now.  It's time to fight again to save his life.  And we'll do it together, as a family.  

We love you, Lukey!  Good luck, got this!  Before we know it, we'll be posting about your homecoming, post-transplant and cancer-free!

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