Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 23

I know.  I know.  It's been two weeks since I said I was going to get started on my weekly posts.  I'm telling you, I tried!  It's going to be one of those pregnancies...

Let's see.  Week 23.  I'm feeling pretty good, I suppose.  I try to watch what I eat, and mostly fail miserably.  I try to get on the treadmill for at least 1.5 miles a day, and I'm doing okay at that.  So, it's not just blogging that I'm struggling to keep up on! :)

This pregnancy has been difficult, in a lot of ways.  I seem to be gaining weight at a freight train pace.  I'm so tired so much of the time, though I have felt a difference since starting the thyroid medication.  I'm terribly moody, and the mood swings are more extreme than they've ever been before.  Don't even get me started on the terribly vivid nightmares.  And, let's be honest.  I feel like I've been pregnant for 5 years!  I do believe it's taking a toll.  But I said that with Johnny...and here I am again. :)

There is something else that has just nagged me as long as I've been pregnant.  I'm having a very difficult time connecting with this pregnancy.  I'm having a hard time imagining my son, bonding with him, and feeling like he's destined to be mine.  It might be because we've struggled so much to come up with a name.  With Claire and Sophie, we knew before we were even pregnant what their names would be.  With Johnny, we decided about a week before the ultrasound that told us he was a boy, and we loved the name as soon as we put it together.  But since then, we've drawn a blank on boy names.  A serious blank.  Since finding out that we're having another son, I've been on the hunt for a name with some determination.  And the name we've decided we want for this little boy is Luke.  Luke Daniel Call.  But because I'm having a hard time bonding with this baby, I have a hard time imagining that being the name of my next child.  But I'm having a hard time bonding because I don't have a name!  It's a vicious cycle.  However, the girls absolutely love the name, and talk to Baby Luke every day.  So I'm pretty sure it's going to stick.

That being said, Luke is getting bigger!  He should be more than 11 inches long now, and just over a pound.  About the size of a large mango.  I'll be going in next week for my next appointment, and will be getting my target ultrasound.  I'm sure we'll see just how big he actually is at that point.  Since we all know my kids are well above average!  Luke is such an active little guy.  He seems to wake up every night at about 9:30, and practices his ninja moves until I fall asleep.  I can tell already that he's strong, and doesn't like anything to intrude in his space.  If my belly is against the counter, or another child tries to sit on my lap, he lets me know just whose space it is! feels good to finally get a post in!  But I'm going to be smarter than to state that I'll be back to post for Week 24, because we all know that it's a toss up.  But I can promise this.  I'll certainly try... :)

1 comment:

Justin and Toshi said...

so LOVE the name! Glad you were able to decide on one...I can totally relate as we have 'sort-of' picked out a name for our little girl, but I am still not sold on it yet! Good luck with the exercising. You CAN DO IT!