Friday, July 21, 2017

Ogden Overlook Trail 2.0

We love hiking. We look for free weekends and Danny excitedly looks for a new trail. This particular Friday night Danny decided we should hike the Ogden Overlook Trail again, and at first I was a little disappointed. I've gotten to really like conquering new trails. I can't remember Danny's reasoning now, but obviously it was sound since I went along with it. :)

We packed our dinner and filled our Camelbaks. At first, Danny didn't want to bother with packing in water for Maese (since there weren't any streams on this hike), but when we put Maese in his crate he full on freaked out! He knew we were hiking and he didn't want to miss it. Seriously, he's never in his life acted like that! Danny couldn't leave him home after that, so we packed his backpack and everyone piled in the car. See? The WHOLE family loves hiking! :)

We originally did this trail back in June of 2015, and we took my niece Megan and her friend Alyssa along for the journey. It was fun to remember how little our kids were the last time we were there, and how much better they are at hiking now! The weather was gorgeous, the temperature was much cooler, and the scenery was so beautiful. 

Joey loved his time on the summit...running around and scaring us all with the ledge that dropped off into the valley just feet away at any given moment. He especially loved making mud from the water in Maese's drinking dish. Danny and I figured that he earned some naughty time by being so incredibly good in his pack. :)


The kids remembered Megan and Alyssa making the victory bridge on our first hike, and they insisted that Danny and I do it this time. :) We were just happy that Johnny walked through without the coaxing required last time. ;)

We managed the 5.48 miles and 950 vertical feet in 3 hours. Everyone did great and we had a wonderful time. And I loved hiking with my new AppleWatch and seeing how many calories I burn doing these hikes! Makes me love it even more. :) I can't wait to see what trail we do next!

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