Sunday, June 11, 2017

To My Claire, On Your Birthday...

Happy Birthday, Claire Bear!!

Admittedly, this letter is a couple of weeks late. You celebrated turning 10 in Nauvoo this year, at the onset of our epic road trip. But how cool that we took your birthday picture together at the Hotel Nauvoo?! Thanks for being such a good sport about your birthday being different this year. You are still ever so good at going with the flow. :)

You're a decade old, Claire! That means I've been a Mom for 10 years!! I can hardly believe it. I can still remember the whirr of our swamp cooler, and the way the air smelled slightly musty in our little apartment in Orem on the day we brought you home. The day it really set in that I had just given birth to a little girl. A daughter all my own. And I was struck with a certain amount of fear that now it was real. I not only had to keep you alive but I had to teach you how to get back to our Heavenly Father. I remember looking at you while I held you on our couch and thinking we could do it. Even still, ten years later, you still fill my heart with happiness and confidence in my role as a mother. You are such a gift to your Dad and I, Claire. We are so grateful you came to us first, so you can help us on our way as a family.

Well, if I thought you were looking too grown up last year...this year has blown me away! You've grown out your bangs and your braces are gone for the time being. That smile!! You are breathtaking, Sweetheart. Though I do miss my round-faced little girl, I'm having so much fun watching you grow into a young woman. I think what I love best is seeing who you are. Seeing your confidence grow and your personality flourish. But second only to that is how much I love your newfound desire to be with me. You've always been so independent. You were never a big cuddler, and you've never seemed to need your Dad and I very much. I have worried if we would be friends. But you come to me more, sit by me more, even hold my hand while we're out shopping. I love it!! I'm so excited for the relationship we are building. I hope you'll always be one of my closest friends.

You had such a wonderful school year this year. You adored your teacher, and loved your friends. You even had some boys that quite liked your company! ;) You're learning how to manage relationships more. Your best friend is still Grace, but as with all friendships there has been some friction between the two of you from time to time. You are so good about being patient and working to resolve the conflict. I'm so proud of you for that, and I know it'll help you so much as you get older. You excelled at your studies this year, and most especially in your Spanish. You have tested out way above where you should're speaking at an 8th grade immersion level in the 4th grade!! Professor Summers said that you take to the language naturally. I'm so glad you have the opportunity to learn a second language. You have also taken to piano like a natural, and I'm shocked at how well you play already. It makes me SO HAPPY to hear you practice in the morning! I love music, and playing the piano has brought me so much happiness in my life. It has been an anchor during some difficult times, and it makes me so happy to see you loving it too. You played soccer for the first time this spring. You didn't take to that quite as naturally. :) But you never got frustrated or discouraged, and you played your hardest every time you were on the field. Claire, you just amaze me in every way. You are destined for great things!

You continue to grow in your love of the gospel. You were so excited to find out that you would be studying church history this year in your primary class, because you knew we were going to Nauvoo. You have soaked up every bit of information about the early Saints. You still love Activity Days, and you passed off all your Articles of Faith before Recognition Night. You just have an eagerness when it comes to the gospel. I love that about you! 

You're still my biggest helper. You're patient with the younger kids and are always willing to lead a game or pick up a mess that isn't yours. You and Sophie are still basically inseparable, though you are both starting to have your own identity and lives. You are such a good big sister to Johnny, who can be a little intense sometimes. And Joey just adores you. What else can I say? You are simply awesome in every way. :)

I love you so much, Claire! I can't wait to see all the adventures and growth you have in this next year. Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!!



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