Thursday, October 13, 2016

Aunt Cindy Visits

I don't get to see my aunts or uncles very much, from either side of my family. So it was a pretty big deal when my Mom said that her sister Cindy was coming for dinner, and she'd love to have a get-together at my house! My Mom special requested a smoked barbecue dinner...but Danny ended up having to travel to Fort Worth, TX and I don't do barbecue solo. I decided on spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and then put my focus on an awesome cake for desert. The recipe is titled "Simply Perfect Chocolate Cake". I don't know about simple, per se, but it was the perfect chocolate cake! Three tiers of delicious, decadent, rich chocolate cake and a chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream. I was so excited to try a meringue buttercream! There were some moments of panic, but it turned out as close to perfect as I could have hoped for a first try. I'll definitely be trying this one again!

So...this visit really was about Aunt Cindy and not my cake. I swear. :) Jenny and her family joined us, and we had a really fun evening together. Dinner was awesome, and everyone said so....which made me a happy girl. I don't know that my Aunt Cindy was quite prepared for the level of chaos that was my house, but she handled it well. We got to catch up a bit, which was really nice. Apparently she's an aspiring children's author. Who knew? Then she quickly became the coolest aunt ever when she presented each of the kids with a specially picked out book, just for them. The kids were so excited!

What a wonderful night with family! I sure hope we get to spend more time with Aunt Cindy than we have in the last decade or so. She's a pretty neat lady!

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