Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 2016 General Conference

One of the perks of being the bishop is getting first dibs on Conference tickets when they become available to our ward. With Claire being eight now, she was able to attend. Danny and I really wanted to take her together...but I was, how do you say? Ridiculously great with child. And honestly hoping for my water to break any minute! I was in no condition to walk through Temple Square and the Conference Center, and then sit for two-plus hours. I was seriously upset to miss Claire's first time seeing the Prophet in person...and Danny was willing to wait and take her another time. But I couldn't be selfish like that. So I stayed home with Sophie and Johnny and sent Danny and Claire on their way. Danny also took a couple of his priests with him, which was cool. Their tickets were for the Sunday morning session, so they got to be there for "Music and the Spoken Word". It was a great experience for Claire and Danny, and it was a good bonding opportunity for Danny and his priests.

Things were good at home for me and the other kids. I sat on the couch and listened to Conference, getting bigger by the minute. Sophie and Johnny were so good and worked on quiet activities so I could enjoy Conference. 

And just think...I'll be holding a baby in my arms during the next Conference!! I can hardly wait...

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