Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Busy Month At School

Even though we had a baby in April, and I was recovering from an intense surgery, and the girls spent a week in Denver for the wedding...somehow we managed to be a part of every big event at school! I let Danny do most of the work, that was my secret. :)

Danny chaperoned Claire's field trip to the Hill AFB Museum, and took Johnny along for the ride. They had a great time, especially shooting off rockets!

Danny also chaperoned Sophie's field trip to the zoo! And he was the Dad of the Year. He took his camelbak, and so had the kids' ponchos in there. That turned out to be rather advantageous for Sophie and her friend when it started to rain!

We also got to attend both Sophie and Claire's Spanish Immersion programs. Both of the girls love learning Spanish, and they are doing so incredibly well! For Sophie's program, I was almost bursting I was so pregnant. And for Claire's, I could barely walk under my own strength and Joey cried much of the time. Funny how much can change in a couple of weeks! :)

And if that wasn't enough...we also got to go to Sophie's First Grade Art Show! I love the artwork that Sophie did, and I was so excited to see all the pieces that she had been telling me about. But that paled in comparison to how excited Sophie was to show us all. :)

So...is school almost over yet. ;)

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