Saturday, February 8, 2014

Unfinished Projects and Premature Aging

When we bought our house, the first thing we did...before we even moved our stuff in...was repaint the boys' bedroom.  But we overestimated how much time it would take, and we weren't able to finish before we had to just get moved in.  Danny and I promised ourselves and each other it wouldn't take years to finish.  We would finish in soon.  We really would this time!  We didn't. :)  February 1st was a Saturday, I thought we should do a project.  So we decided to finally put the chair rail up in the boys' room!  We called Papa to see if he could help us, and he was more than happy to.  These Call boys love a good project. 

Luke couldn't help, but he was happy to supervise. :)

It turned out fantastic!  And we swore up and down that we'd get that rail, closet doors, and bedroom doors painted the next weekend.  It didn't happen. :)  Stay tuned for the finished product in somewhere between 10-19 months! :)

Yesterday marked 100 days of school for Claire.  The first graders were all asked to dress like they were 100 years old, and Claire looked great for 100!  We went shopping at the DI for something for her to wear, and came across this delightful muumuu, that has now become a favorite nightgown.  The baby powdered hair in curlers and overdone makeup (complete with eyeliner wrinkles) were the perfect accessories to her outfit!  She looked fantastic!

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