Tuesday, July 26, 2011

11 Months

Can I tell you just how impossible it is to catch some decent pictures of a constantly moving 11 month old man-child?  

Johnny turned 11 months old yesterday.  Is my baby boy really going to be 1 next month?!  I remember this time last year, waking up with my huge belly, feeling Johnny move around inside of me with ever increasing strength and ever decreasing room.  I thought for sure he'd be here in just a matter of days.  I couldn't fathom the thought of another month!  But we made it.  And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

And boy is Johnny strong!  He's strong in spirit, body, and will.  If he's awake, he's constantly moving.  If something doesn't go his way, he's yelling.  And if there is an obstacle he needs to overcome in order to get to what he wants, he'll keep at it until it's done.  Every time.  

He's still my happy little guy, though!  Every morning he wakes up with a smile, and can't wait to start playing. He loves to give kisses (wet, slobbery, open-mouth-with-his-tongue-stinking-out kisses) and hugs.  And he LOVES it when Daddy comes home!  

Here's Johnny's life in a nutshell:

*Finally graduated into size 4 diapers
*Holding steady at 12-18 month clothes, and still shoeless
*Drinks water like a camel
*Blows kisses goodnight, but only to his sisters
*Can stand unassisted, and has even attempted a half step or two
*Sings along with the family during our nightly song
*Down to nursing only before bed and upon waking in the morning
*Goes to bed without a bottle or binkie, and puts himself to sleep within five minutes
*Almost always sleeps a solid 10+ hours, with two shorter naps during the day
*Has 7 teeth
*Loves to wrestle and rough-house on the living room floor
*Still absolutely LOVES being outside
*Adores Jack Dog
*Has absolutely awesome hair

John, you make my soul smile.  I love you!

1 comment:

Justin and Toshi said...

Oh these little boys are too cute! Luke is 9 months today! Can't wait for them to meet...again!!