Saturday, June 13, 2015

Ogden Overlook Trail

We are really determined to make hiking a family activity that we all love. We thoroughly enjoyed our Antelope Island hike...but that was way back in March! We haven't had the chance to get back on the trail. But luckily for us we had an open Saturday and Megan and Alyssa wanted to come visit that same weekend! That was all the motivation we needed. Danny pulled out the map and found us a trail...

We decided on the Ogden Overlook Trail up by Snowbird Ski Resort. The weather was perfect, and it gave Danny and I the chance to try out the new Camelbaks we had recently required. We enjoyed walking through the aspen groves as we made our way to the overlook. The kids handled the trail great! And when we finally got to the top, the view was worth every step.

(We had to do "Megan's Mountain Pose") :)

After enjoying the view, we started heading back down the mountain. We stopped at a nice shady spot with some decent seating to have lunch.

Lunch never tastes better than it does on the trail. :) And everyone, even Maese, appreciated the chance to sit and relax for a moment. But, we couldn't sit forever! Before too long, we were back down the trail in earnest. 

We stopped for a bit at this cool sign to take some pictures. The sign provided a perfect way to photograph our hike! And the wildflowers were just beautiful.

And then back down the mountain we went. :) This was Maese's first trip with his hiking backpack, too! It worked great, as long as we kept it balanced for him. At first, he wasn't such a fan. But he got used to it, and it was awesome having him pack his own food and water. Maese is a great hiker, and LOVES his chance to play with us outside!

In all, the trail was about 5.6 miles. And somewhere around Mile 4, Johnny started complaining. His feet hurt, his legs hurt...he couldn't possibly take one more step! But he managed...barely. :) All the way to Mile 5.59 when he plopped himself down in front of an aspen tree and refused to budge. He didn't care that he was literally inches from the trailhead. Johnny is nothing if not completely obstinate sometimes! :)

Megan and Alyssa were the perfect cheerleaders, and made a victory bridge for us to go under as we each reached the trailhead. Well, except for John. :)

What a beautiful way to spend a summer afternoon! And I've decided I really, really love hiking! I never used to. We didn't hike really at all when I was growing up. And by the time I was in Young Women's and hiking at camp, I was so self conscious of the physical demands. I was always one of the last ones, and I was usually sucking wind just to stay close to the group. I was hesitant when Danny started taking us hiking last summer, but I realize that I truly do love it. And it's the perfect activity for us as a family. I can't wait to see what other trails we conquer before the season is through!

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