Friday, April 14, 2017

Grandma Candy's Easter Party

We always look forward to Grandma Candy's Easter Party! We ended up with a make-up soccer game for Sophie that night, so we changed the venue to our house this year. We enjoyed some sloppy joes and chips for dinner before heading out for our egg hunt. Joey mostly ate eclairs. :)

The egg hunt was a blast, as usual! There were so many eggs, and Danny and Matt made sure to make them harder for the big kids this year. :) And Grandma Candy had a special egg for each grandkid with their name on it (minus Joey, since he was too young to hunt), and a bunch of "change eggs" for the kids to find. It was hilarious to watch the older kids shake each egg they found. If it didn't jingle, they threw it back! I think we'll quit spending money on candy they don't need and start filling the eggs with change from now on!

After our egg hunt had concluded, we moved back inside to decorate eggs. Jenny was in charge of the egg-dying this year, and she opted to do the shaving cream eggs again. It was a big hit with the kids! Jenny was able to improve the process from my attempt last year, so it was more streamlined and easier for the kids. We ended up with some pretty cool eggs this year! When Joey got frustrated that he wasn't getting to play in the shaving cream too, we put some whipped cream on his tray and he was satisfied. :)

After the egg mess was cleaned up, it was time for cake. Now, I had been waiting for a while to do the cake for Easter. I was so excited to try this malted coconut speckled egg cake, complete with a nest of eggs on top! I couldn't have been happier with how it turned out. It's my prettiest cake so far! I am darned proud of this one. :) Unfortunately, the taste of the cake didn't measure up to it's outside beauty. Actually, it was the frosting that wasn't really good. It was FAR too sweet, and it tasted kind of, well, cheap? I probably won't repeat the recipe, but it was such a fun cake to make!

It was such a fun night with family, and a great way to kick off the Easter weekend! The next day, we had a wonderful time with Danny's family at Great Grandma Call's Easter Egg Hunt. So much fun, in fact, that I forgot to take a single picture! I really wanted one with Great Grandma, because we know that every year we get to do these parties with her may be the last. It was a great party, though. We love seeing so many of Danny's cousins that we just don't see as often anymore. It was a great weekend. :)

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