Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sophie's Baptism Day

Sophie has been so excited for her baptism day for so long, and it finally came! It was a busy day leading up to the baptism, with Halloween pictures and the football game, but it did help the time pass for Sophie. :) Even with everything going on, we were able to get everything ready and get to the church on time.

The baptism was wonderful. Because this was a stake baptism, the speakers were a couple from the stake and they did a wonderful job. Sophie was the first to get baptized, so our family and friends made their way from the chapel to the Relief Society room. Once there, Danny shared a few words and then it was time for the big moment! Sophie was nervous, though she didn't understand why. I explained to her that the Spirit can make you feel a lot like you do when you're nervous. What she was feeling was the Spirit! That made her feel so much better, and she was confident walking into the font, with Papa and Uncle Kenny serving as witnesses.

The only other experience I've had with a child being baptized was obviously Claire. And Claire's baptism was surprisingly emotionally intense for both Danny and me. We felt Luke very near, and the significance of what Claire was doing was very overwhelming. So I assumed, especially with Luke's anniversary just the day before, that I would be terribly emotional. But the same feeling of peace that I experienced the day before permeated my soul as Sophie was baptized. It was the same feeling I had when I knelt at the alter to be sealed to Danny. It was really very special. Danny performed the baptism, and with one dip it was done. Sophie came out of the water beaming, hugged her Dad, and excitedly came up the steps towards me and said, "I want to do that again!"

I helped her out of her wet clothes and into her baptism dress and we joined our group in the Primary Room for the confirmation. Danny started things off by talking about the importance of the confirmation and that it was this "baptism by fire" that made the baptism complete. Then Sophie was invited to come to the front as well as all the Melchizedek Priesthood holders that had been invited to participate in the confirmation. Danny performed the ordinance with Papa, Uncle Kenny, Uncle Robbie, Uncle David, and Jon Ellsworth in the circle. Danny gave our girl a beautiful blessing, and the Spirit was very strong. Afterwards, Danny asked me to share my testimony and then he concluded the meeting with his own. What a wonderful experience it was, and a memory I will treasure forever!

The afterparty was at our house this time. Sophie wanted it to be different from Claire's party, and since we did that at the school hers had to be at our house. It was fun to host a big gathering! Danny smoked a brisket, and it was his best one to date. It was a 20 lb piece of cow, and it was completely gone when we were done! Everyone bought sides to share, and Sophie chose donuts as her dessert. It was perfect! The weather was beautiful, and we were able to eat and visit outside.

We are so proud of Sophie and the choice that she has made to be baptized! Both Danny and I are confident that she understands the covenants she has made. We know how much she loves her Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sophie has always been so close to the Spirit and so full of light, yet somehow she got even closer and even brighter. 

We love you, Sweet Sophie Anne!

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