Saturday, August 27, 2016

Has It Really Been A Decade?!

Danny and I have been married for ten years!! How crazy is that? In so many ways, we still feel like the same kids that fell in love and decided to give eternity a shot. But in so many more ways, we feel like we've experienced more than a decade's worth of life together!

I could never have imagined where our life would take us when we were kneeling at the alter ten years ago. All I knew was that I loved Danny more than I had loved anyone before. That he made my heart flutter when he smiled at me, and that I wanted him to be the father of my children. More than anything else, I trusted his devotion to our Heavenly Father. I knew I wanted to be his wife more than I wanted to be anything in the whole world.

Now ten years have passed us by in the blink of an eye. We've welcomed five amazing children into the world. And we held each other as we said goodbye to one incredible son, watching him leave this world behind for bigger and better things. We finished a college degree together, moved our family a handful of times, changed jobs a couple of times, and bought our first home together. We've added two dogs to our family (at different times), got and got rid of a cat (never again!), and grown out of around six cars together. We supported each other in our church service, and have attended the temple together. We've discovered that we're the couple that loves to cook together, hike as a family, and load everything but the kitchen sink in the car for vacations with our kids. 

I could go on and on and on! We feel like we've aged more than a few extra years in the last little bit, but we are so happy with our life. We love each other, and we are loyal to each other. This life we have built together already far exceeds anything we imagined...and we're just getting started! 

So how do you celebrate a love and marriage that is so amazing? Well, last year we had grand plans for an amazing week-long trip with just the two of us. We were thinking Mexico or Hawaii. And then two little pink lines on a dollar store pregnancy test threw those plans right out the window! But we still love you, Joey! ;) That trip will happen someday. But for now, we decided on the next best thing: a massage and food.

On Saturday morning we took the kids over to my Mom's house to spend the day. All the kids! This was the first time I was leaving Joey for more than an hour or so, but it was worth it. We kissed the kids and then made our way to Beyond Spa for an 80-minute couples massage. It's going to have to be an anniversary tradition for sure. Afterwards, we went home (so I could pump) and watched a movie together at home. In the middle of the afternoon! It was like being kids again. :) Then we headed into Salt Lake for dinner at The Roof...which was sooo yummy. After we stuffed ourselves to the brim, we enjoyed walking around Temple Square before headed back to Grandma Candy's to get our kids. They had a blast, and Joey was such a good baby. It was a wonderful anniversary date, and the time together was sorely needed.

Danny and I have learned better than to try to anticipate what life has in store for us. But we are confident that we can face anything together...and more than that, we WANT to face it all. Together. Forever. :)

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