Thursday, March 31, 2016

March iMoments

When your 5-year-old reminds you to do scriptures so we don't miss a day. Johnny kept our streak alive! I love this boy and his love of the scriptures.

My Mom gave me this beautiful shamrock's made me so happy!

Claire has the most beautiful hair. And thanks to Pinterest, every once in a while I can pull off style worthy of its awesomeness.

We finished 2nd Nephi, and the kids wanted sundaes for the treat. So far we haven't missed a night and we're loving our family scripture time.

What would I do without the "Claire and Sophie Spa?" My poor feet and ankles are so swollen all the time, and my sweet kids will bust out the lotion and do their best to bring their pregnant Mama some comfort. It's my most favorite thing that we do!

After the baby shower, I was finally motivated to get the closet ready for Joey. I needed a place to put all of this clothes! That, and I was painful aware (and painfully hopeful!) that I could have him any day and I wouldn't be ready. But we're ready now!!

Claire was able to attend the Provo City Center Temple Dedication with us via satellite broadcast. It was such a special experience for us! I cried through the whole thing, as I sat there with my oldest daughter and reflected on my first temple dedication when I was her same age...for the Bountiful Temple. How grateful I am for temples, and the sealing power found within them.

We got Luke's Place all ready for Easter!

Danny took the kids to the spring scrimmage...and I was fine to stay home. The thought of walking those stadium stairs and sitting there for two hours in my state was, well, impossible.

But Danny and the kids (and David and Ruby) had a great time! Can't wait for our Cougars this fall!

The girls got haircuts from Breanne...and of course their glitter! Photobomb credit goes to Johnny. ;)

By the end of the month, we perfected the kids' spa. We added Johnny in the rotation, so we could have one kid on each swollen foot and one playing with my hair. Add some "Cupcake Wars" to keep us occupied and it was the best way to pass the time until this giant baby comes out of me!!

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