Thursday, December 31, 2015

December iMoments

So many fun moments through the month of December! Johnny spends a lot of his day home with me and Maese. He often refers to Maese as his "dog brother", and he loves spending time cuddling on the floor with his best furry buddy.

Johnny is also stuck doing a lot of the shopping and errands with me while his sisters are in school. One afternoon, we were out past lunch and still had some more stops to make so we decided on a quick lunch at McDonald's. We split some nuggets and fries, and when I told Johnny that he didn't need to necessarily finish everything I gave him he replied, "It's okay Mom. I'm a stress-eater!" Where does he come up with this stuff?!

December means the Ward Christmas Party, and Santa came to visit! This was the kids' second chance to revise their list and tell Santa what they wanted. :)

Right around the middle of the month, we got our first really good snow storm. Even though Johnny didn't have snow clothes (Mom of the Year, right here!) he insisted on going out and playing with Maese while Danny shoveled the driveway. These two... :) 

Danny had his first opportunity to perform a wedding in December. His co-worker Jay asked him to perform his the U of U football stadium! Danny was such good sport, and decided we should even wear red and black. My husband is getting so grown up! :) Danny did an amazing job of the service, and it was a wonderful evening for everyone.

Being pregnant, teacher gifts really snuck up on me this year! I decided to take it easy on myself and just do Fizz gift certificates, and Johnny and I added a printable gift tag and some ribbon and of my cutest teacher gifts yet!

It was right in the middle of the month when Johnny hit a major milestone...he lost his first tooth!! He was very excited, and very surprised. It just popped out right in the mall parking lot! The next morning, he received his Tooth Fairy loot. 

This year's Sacrament Meeting Christmas program was extra special. The Children's Choir was in charge of the whole program, and Claire and Sophie had been working for months to learn the songs. Grandma and Papa and Grandma Candy came to listen, and the choir did a spectacular job! And it was the perfect occasion to show off the kids' Christmas outfits this year...appropriately blue. :)

Danny knows he couldn't do what he does without the Ward  Council, so handing out Christmas treats was more of a priority this year. We made Danny's favorite Peppermint Kiss Cookies and a batch of our favorite chocolate chip cookies, and Claire and Sophie used their artistic skills to decorate the bags. I love how they turned out! 

And this photo needs no caption. :)

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