Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Star Wars Halloween Photo Shoot

With me being sick and pregnant, I really procrastinated getting Halloween costumes ready for the kids. We had Johnny's Darth Vadar costume in the closet (thank you, Costco) but the girls are too big for quick pick-up costumes now. And I'm totally bummed about it! Finally, with less than two weeks until they needed costumes for school parties, we just got on Amazon to find costumes we could order with Prime.

From my procrastination, one of the coolest Halloweens we've ever had was born! Using Johnny's costume as a starting point, somehow we ended up with a Star Wars family theme! Claire was totally excited to be Ray from the upcoming movie, but Sophie needed a little persuasion to be Princess Leia. So Danny upped the ante and told her that he'd break his cardinal "no costume for the dog" rule and order a Yoda costume for Maese if she agreed to be Leia. That was all the motivation she needed! Once her costume came, she was tickled pink to be Princess Leia.

The costumes were so awesome that they warranted a special photo shoot! I'm pregnant, and this is the fifth time I've been pregnant. So you'd think I would have learned by now that everything takes me longer than I think and that it rarely works the way I thought it would! It was a pretty cloudy day on our photo shoot day, and we got to the park a little late. So the pictures are a little dark and heavily edited. But it was still a blast, and I still love the pictures!

The kids are now officially ready for Halloween!!

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